
Arts, Business, Education, Engineering, Health Sciences, Information & Media Studies, Music, Science, Social Science and the Affiliated Colleges: Brescia, Huron, King's

A+ 90 -100%
A 80 -89%
B 70 - 79%
C 60 - 69%
D 50 - 59%
below 50% or assigned when course is dropped with academic penalty


A 80 - 100% Honors
B 70 - 79% Pass
C 60 - 69% Pass
F 59 and below Fail
IPR In Progress
INC Incomplete


A+, A, A- Excellent
B+, B, B- Good
C+, C, C- Competent
F Unsatisfactory
PAS Pass
FAI Fail

Medicine (MD)

HON Excellence -- The demonstration of a competency well above the minimal acceptable standard
PAS Clear competency with regards to all criteria considered essential for the completion of that specific course
CR Credit
FAI An inability to meet the minimal acceptable standards for a specific course
INC Incomplete
IPR Course In Progress
SRP Supplemental Examination/Remedial Work passed

Graduate Studies (excluding MBA)

A 80 - 100%
B 70 - 79%
C 60 - 69%
F 00 - 59%
AUD Audit
COM Complete
INC Incomplete
IPR In Progress
PAS Pass
SAT Satisfactory
WDN Withdrew (No penalty)


4 Distinction
3 High Pass
2 Pass
1 Low Pass
0 Unsatisfactory

Note: Failure to achieve 60% ("C") or higher in any undergraduate course taken for credit towards a graduate degree is interpreted as a failure.

Explanation of Abbreviations

AEG Aegrotat
AUD Audit
COM Complete
CR Credit
DEF Deferred Exam
DNW Did Not Write
DRP Dropped (Penalty)
FAI Fail
FTW Failed Term Work
INC Incomplete
IPR In Progress
NC No Credit
NGR No Grade Reported
PAS Pass
SAT Satisfactory
SPC Special Exam
SUP Supplemental Exam
WDN Withdrew (no penalty)

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