Academic Calendar 2005 (old) » FACULTIES» FACULTY OF LAW » GRADES
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The Faculty of Law uses the following grade designations:






























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The "PAS" and "FAI" designations are used only in courses specifically identified as being graded on a pass/fail basis. These designations are also used for grades obtained on exchanges. A grade of "FAI" is treated the same as an "F" grade.

Students receive only a letter grade for each subject. The grade point values are used for calculation purposes only and are not disclosed to the student.

Individual grades assigned by instructors remain provisional until they are approved by the Faculty in a grades meeting.

A student who has failed a course may be entitled to cure the failure and obtain credit for the course by writing a supplemental form of evaluation if the student meets the requirements set out below. Normally, a supplemental will take the form of an examination; however, it is within the instructor's discretion to select another comparable form of supplemental evaluation if the nature of the course requires it.

A student must obtain a minimum overall weighted average of C- to pass the year. A student who does not obtain the required minimum overall weighted average does not pass the year and is not entitled to write a supplemental examination.

A student who obtains more than one F in a year is not entitled to write a supplemental examination and fails the year.

Unless the grade was obtained because of the commission of an academic offence, a student who obtains an F in only one course and whose overall weighted average for the year (excluding the F) is C or higher is entitled to write a supplemental examination in the failed course.

A student must obtain a minimum of C on a supplemental examination to obtain credit for the course. If the student obtains a C or better on a supplemental examination, the original failed grade remains on the transcript, but with a notation that the course has been "passed by supplemental".

A first year student who is not entitled to write a supplemental examination or who does not pass the supplemental examination fails the year.

An upper year student who fails a compulsory course, but either is not entitled to write a supplemental examination or does not pass the supplemental examination, must repeat the course. An upper year student who fails an optional course, but either is not entitled to write a supplemental examination or does not pass the supplemental examination, may either retake the failed course or take a different course or courses in order to make up sufficient course credits to complete the year.

A student who has completed three academic years, but is required to retake a course or to take another course or courses to make up missed credits may do so in a fourth year.

A student who has an unexcused absence from an examination, or an unexcused failure to submit an assignment or complete a course component, will receive an F for the examination, assignment, or course component.

A student who is entitled to write a supplemental examination but does not do so, will receive an F for the examination and the course.

Supplemental examinations and special examinations (i.e., examinations given for medical or compassionate reasons) will generally be scheduled in June of each academic year.

Except as provided in these regulations, a student who passes the year may not repeat courses already taken in that year.

A student may not take a course for which there is a prerequisite if the grade obtained in the prerequisite was an F and the student did not obtain a grade of C or better on a supplemental examination in the course.

In appropriate circumstances the Faculty may pass a student who would otherwise fail.

A first year student who fails the year must withdraw from the Faculty of Law, unless the Faculty determines otherwise. An upper year student who fails the year, but who has not previously failed in law school may repeat the failed year. A student who fails any two years in law school must withdraw from the Faculty of Law.

The Faculty will review the grades in all courses taken by a failing student. This review will include rereading all of the student's examination papers to verify the accuracy of the marking process.

Academic Calendar 2005 (old) » FACULTIES» FACULTY OF LAW » GRADES