Academic Calendar 2006 (new)» » AFFILIATED COLLEGE COURSE INFORMATION» International and Comparative Studies
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International and Comparative Studies

International and Comparative Studies Courses

Note: International and Comparative Studies language courses are considered Arts courses; other ICS courses are considered as either Arts or Social Science courses. Students without an OAC prerequisite may be required to complete a language skills assessment.Students who are overqualified for certain language courses may be asked to enrol in courses more appropriate to their language skill. Students may take more than one ICS course numbered 001-099.

International and Comparative Studies 020E, Introduction to International and Comparative Studies
Description: An interdisciplinary course designed to introduce the student to the scope and method of International and Comparative Studies. The course focuses on the diversity of an increasingly interdependent world. Topics of trans-national significance which highlight contrasts and similarities among the world's societies and cultures will be considered.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 021F/G, Introduction to Problems in Knowing the World
Description: This course explores how our world views are formed in terms of theories and explanations of human history, geography, and identity. Students will consider how knowing the world is caught up with problems in mapping, narration, and cultural interpretation, emphasizing critical analysis of the impacts of European colonialism on modern international divisions.
Antirequisite(s): International and Comparative Studies 020E
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International and Comparative Studies 022F/G, Introduction to Globalization
Description: This course offers an interdisciplinary introduction to the dominant material and cultural trends under the conditions of economic globalization. Key topics are labour in the global economy, the globalization of the capitalist mode of production, transnational resource flows, responses to inequality and resistance.
Antirequisite(s): International and Comparative Studies 020E
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International and Comparative Studies 023F/G, Introduction to Development Studies
Description: This course is an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of international development studies with the focus on investigating the notion of ‘poverty’. It will examine the roles of development organizations, states and civil society in addressing globally identified development issues through the negotiation of global development agendas.
Antirequisite(s): International and Comparative Studies 020E, 201F/G
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International and Comparative Studies 124, Intermediate Standard Chinese for Dialect Speakers
Description: An intermediate course in modern Standard Chinese designed for students who speak a Chinese dialect and who have a basic knowledge of written Chinese. Speaking, listening, and conversational skills are emphasized.
Antirequisite(s): Japanese 200, the former International and Comparative Studies 127, the former Modern Eastern Civilizations 124, 127.
4 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 150F/G, The Political and Socio-Economic Foundations of Modern Japan
Description: A survey of the social, political, and economic factors that shape modern Japan.
Antirequisite(s): The former Modern Eastern Civilizations 150F/G.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 151F/G, The Cultural Foundations of Modern Japan
Description: A survey of the artistic, philosophical, and religious factors that shape modern Japan.
Antirequisite(s): The former Modern Eastern Civilizations 151F/G.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 152F/G, The Political and Socio-Economic Foundations of Modern China
Description: A survey of the social, political, and economic factors that shape modern China.
Antirequisite(s): The former Modern Eastern Civilizations 152F/G.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 153F/G, The Cultural Foundations of Modern China
Description: A survey of the artistic, philosophical, and religious factors that shape modern China.
Antirequisite(s): The former Modern Eastern Civilizations 153F/G.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 160F/G, Fiction and Traditional Chinese Society
Description: A study of the philosophical, cultural, and political aspects of traditional Chinese society through the reading of narrative texts, short stories, and novels. Literature of various genres and historical periods will be considered to illustrate the thought patterns, popular beliefs, and daily lives characteristic of traditional China. Taught in English.
Antirequisite(s): The former Modern Eastern Civilizations 160F/G.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 161F/G, Fiction and Modern Chinese Society
Description: Designed to enhance the understanding of modern Chinese society, this course will consider works by major Chinese authors from the Republican and contemporary periods. Emphasis will be on the writers' ideas of political involvement, social change, revolution, and the functions of literature. Events that have shaped modern Chinese history and society, and the writers' responses to them, will also be examined. Taught in English.
Antirequisite(s): The former Modern Eastern Civilizations 161F/G.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 170F/G, Recent World Literature
Description: This course explores modern literary works from Europe, Africa, South America and Asia. Texts are discussed individually but also in relation to a common concern with identifying and expressing the value of a human life in the diverse cultures which they reflect. Taught in English.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 190F/G-199F/G, Selected Topics in International and Comparative Studies
Description: Topics selected by the instructor. Consult the Centre for International Studies for details.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 201F/G, International Development 1
Description: This course provides a comparative and theoretical examination of societies and cultures undergoing significant change and of the complex global relations between developing and industrialized areas. It offers an interdisciplinary perspective on such issues as pre-development paradigms, poverty, underdevelopment, imperialism, and nationalism and independence.
Antirequisite(s): the former ICS 200E.
Prerequisite(s): International and Comparative Studies 020E, or the former ICS 020, or enrolment in the Honors Specialization in Environment, Resources, and Development.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 202F/G, International Development 2
Description: This course provides a comparative and theoretical examination of societies and cultures undergoing significant change and of the complex global relations between developing and industrialized areas. It offers an interdisciplinary perspective on such issues as economic development, development indicators, gender, foreign policy, development aid, participatory development and post-development.
Antirequisite(s): the former ICS 200E.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 203F/G, Discourses of International Culture
Description: This course seeks to reveal how theories and analyses of international life and phenomena rely on specific cultures of understanding. Students will examine dominant discourses through which the international is culturally constructed, appreciating the stakes involved in each and learning how the human world is rendered in such a fashion.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 230F/G, The Chinese Short Story
Description: A survey of major developments in the history and art of the Chinese short story that examines selected works in classical and vernacular languages representing a variety of narrative forms. Taught in English.
Prerequisite(s): A literature course at the 020 level or above.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 231F/G, The Chinese Novel
Description: A study of the Chinese novel from the 16th to the 20th century that addresses the historical background, the social and cultural context, the aesthetic values, and achievements of individual authors. Taught in English.
Prerequisite(s): A literature course at the 020 level or above.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 240F/G, Culture/development topics in Pacific Studies
Description: Topics will include interdisciplinary approaches to the study of development and cultures of the Pacific region from the perspectives of the Social Sciences and the Arts.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 241F/G, Culture/development topics in South Asia Studies
Description: Topics will include interdisciplinary approaches to the study of development and cultures of the South Asia region from the perspectives of the Social Sciences and the Arts.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 242F/G, Culture/development topics in Africa Studies
Description: Topics will include interdisciplinary approaches to the study of development and cultures of the Africa region from the perspectives of the Social Sciences and the Arts.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 243F/G, Culture/development topics in Middle-East Studies
Description: Topics will include interdisciplinary approaches to the study of development and cultures of the Middle-East region from the perspectives of the Social Sciences and the Arts.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 244F/G, Culture/development topics in East Asia Studies
Description: Topics will include interdisciplinary approaches to the study of development and cultures of the East Asia region from the perspectives of the Social Sciences and the Arts.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 245F/G, Culture/development topics in Eurasia Studies
Description: Topics will include interdisciplinary approaches to the study of development and cultures of the Eurasia region from the perspectives of the Social Sciences and the Arts.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 246F/G, Culture/development topics in Circumpolar Studies
Description: Topics will include interdisciplinary approaches to the study of development and cultures of the circumpolar region from the perspectives of the Social Sciences and the Arts.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 247F/G, Culture/development topics in Latin America Studies
Description: Topics will include interdisciplinary approaches to the study of development and cultures of the Latin America region from the perspectives of the Social Sciences and the Arts.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 248F/G, Culture/development topics in North Atlantic Studies
Description: Topics will include interdisciplinary approaches to the study of development and cultures of the North Atlantic region from the perspectives of the Social Sciences and the Arts.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 250F/G, Africa in Transition
Description: An examination of how processes of change in Africa can inform understanding of development through a study of a variety of cultures and contexts within Africa. An analysis of African experiences of, and perspectives on, development.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E or permission of the Instructor.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 251F/G, Indigenous Peoples and Development in Global Perspective
Description: The course considers the effects of industrial scale capitalism on the traditional economies of Indigenous Peoples in the global setting. The course examines the emerging strategies for renewing economic self-sufficiency in local settings. The question of the coexistence of the economies of Indigenous Peoples with national economies is addressed.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E or permission of the Instructor.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 252E, Francophone Cultures and Civilizations
Description: A comparative study of the cultures and civilizations of France, French Canada and other francophone countries and societies around the world. Taught in French, but students doing this course for credit in the ICS program may submit assignments in English.
Antirequisite(s): French 252E, French 232E, French 242E, French 142E, French 132a/b, French 150F/G, French 158F, French 159G
Prerequisite(s): French 020E, French 021, or permission of the French Department
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 253F/G, Language and Cultural Discourses
Description: Survey and research on language and its use from the perspective of cultural study. The course investigates the various linguistic factors that influence and shape cultural discourses: e.g., socio-economic class, gender, political discourse, among others. In particular, inter-cultural variations of language will be of primary importance. Prerequisite:
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 254F/G, Human Displacement and Refugees
Description: Studying the conditions under which persons are identified as refugees, this course investigates contemporary approaches to address the plight of displaced persons. Considering their experiences and treatment under international protection, students will critically engage the challenges of responding to the interests of persons deemed strangers in the international community.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 255F/G, Small Scale Economies
Description: An examination of the social and economic form of informal, subsistence, land-based and other allied economies through case studies. Topics include: labour informalization in the context of economic development; subsistence and autonomy; cultural bases of land-based economies in multicultural states.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 256F/G, Global Resistance Movements
Description: An examination of the political, social and cultural foundations of resistance movements that claim a transnational, global or international scale. Cases may include: anti-globalization, environmentalism, indigenous people's rights, women's rights, human rights, Fair Trade, and alternative trade organizations.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 257F/G, International Cultures of Gendering
Description: This course analyses the functions of gender as a fundamental organizing principle in human societies. On that basis, students will examine ways in which the disciplines, regimes, practice, and institutions governing inter-human encounters in the world are also embedded in processes of gendering.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 258F/G, Economies of development
Description: This course examines alternative tools for assessing development, such as development indicators and indices (eg. GNP/GDP, Human Development/Poverty Indices, Physical Quality of Life Index, Gender Empowerment Measure), community based indicators, and explanations of economic development in micro and macro contexts.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 259F/G, Japan through film
Description: Examination of various aspects of Japanese culture using Japanese cinema. The works by Kurosawa, and Itami, among others, will be used to prompt discussion of such topics as contemporary issues in Japanese society, aesthetics, and communication.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 260F/G, Cultural Difference, Cultural Similarity: A Case-Study ofHumour
Description: This course explores the usage and understanding of humour across cultures, assessing differences and similarities. It informs and sensitises students to how people in other places or times locate their experience through the filter of humour. Texts, primarily literary, but also graphic and audiovisual, will be explored.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E or permission of the Instructor.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 261F/G, Fiction and Traditional Chinese Society
Description: A study of the philosophical, cultural, and political aspects of traditional Chinese society through the reading of narrative texts, short stories and novels. Literature of various genres and historical periods will be considered to illustrate the thought patterns, popular beliefs, and daily lives characteristic of traditional China.
Antirequisite(s): the former ICS 160F/G.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 262F/G, Fiction and Modern Chinese Society
Description: This course will consider works by major Chinese authors from the Republican and contemporary periods. Emphasis will be on writers' ideas of political involvement, social change, revolution, and functions of literature. Events that have shaped modern Chinese history and society, and the writers' responses to them, will also be examined.
Antirequisite(s): International Comparative St 161.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 263F/G, Chinese Discourses on Women and Gender Relations
Description: The course offers a close reading of male and female writings on women's roles and gender relations in Chinese society. It examines the various normative principles that describe and impose boundaries on women's political and social practices.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 264F/G, Women in Chinese Society: Images in Literature
Description: The course examines the roles of women in Chinese society reflected in literature. Texts of different genres and historical periods, with emphasis on the narrative forms of the imperial era, will be read to explore the changing images of the female paragon and the femme fatale.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E, or the former ICS 020, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 270F/G, Recent World Literature
Description: This course explores modern literary works from Europe, Africa, South America, and Asia. Texts are discussed individually but also in relation to a common concern with identifying and expressing the value of a human life in the diverse cultures which they reflect. Taught in English.
Antirequisite(s): International Comparative St 170
Prerequisite(s): A literature course at the 020 level or above.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 290F/G-299F/G, Selected Topics in International and Comparative Studies
Description: Topics selected by the instructor. Consult the Centre for International Studies for details.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 301F/G, Applied Research Ethics for International and Comparative Studies
Description: This course explores practical ethical issues associated with major forms of qualitative research with human subjects. Special consideration is given to ethical problems in the context of inequality. Students design a project and program of research that conforms to standard ethical guidelines.
Prerequisite(s): International and Comparative Studies 020E or the former ICS 020, and 1.0 course from the following: ICS 201F/G, 202F/G, 203F/G, or the former ICS 200E.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 302F/G, Think Global, Act Local
Description: Students will be placed with non-governmental organisations, where they will work on globally relevant issues within a local context. Each student will develop a major critical project in support of her or his NGO's aims, expressing creatively the interrelations between scholarly study and direct involvement in international affairs.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative St 020E or the former ICS 020, and International Comparative St 301, and permission of the Department
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 303F/G, Participatory Development and Research Methodologies
Description: This course explores connections between culturally embedded forms of collaboration and structures of public participation in decision-making. The course focuses on participatory research methodologies, the critique of these methodologies and on the discourse on indigenous knowledge. Methods may include participatory research, gender analysis, program cycle management and impact studies.
Prerequisite(s): ICS 020E, ICS 201F/G and ICS 202F/G, or the former ICS 020, 200E.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 310F/G, Selected Topics in International and Comparative StudiesSeminar
Description: Topics selected by the instructor. Consult the Centre for International Studies.
Prerequisite(s): ICS 201F/G and one of ICS 202F/G or 203F/G, or the former ICS 200E.
2 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 311F/G, Selected Topics in International and Comparative StudiesSeminar
Description: Topics selected by the instructor. Consult the Centre for International Studies.
Prerequisite(s): ICS 201F/G and one of ICS 202F/G or 203F/G, the former ICS 200E.
2 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 320E, Independent Research
Description: Students will carry out an advanced and specialized research project. Approval of the program of study must be obtained in advance in writing from the faculty advisor and the Director of the Centre for International Studies before the term in which the project is initiated.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of the department.
1.0 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 321F/G, Directed Studies
Description: Students will study topics in depth and carry out original research on a topic not covered in existing course offerings. Approval of the program of study must be obtained in advance in writing from the faculty advisor and the Director of the Centre for International Studies before the term in which the study is undertaken.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of the department.
1.0 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 390, Special Topics in Japanese
Description: Further studies in Japanese language and/or culture.
Prerequisite(s): Japanese 300, the former International and Comparative Studies 226, or permission of the department
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 400E-409E, Seminars in International and Comparative Studies
Description: Advanced topic selected by the instructor. Each student will present a major research paper exploring the interdisciplinary context of international and comparative studies.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative Studies 301. Restricted to students in 4th year.
1.0 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 410F/G, ICS Honors Seminar: Poverty
Description: Examinations of social, environmental and political sources of structural economic inequality. For core themes and cases in the current session, please see the Centre for International Studies.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative Studies 301, or permission of the Department.
Restricted to students in 4th year.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 411F/G, ICS Honors Seminar: Identity/ Difference
Description: Examinations of the construction of identity in individuals, groups, societies, cultures, and nations as it occurs through processes of differentiation and othering. For core themes in the current session, please see the Centre for International Studies.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative Studies 301, or permission of the Department.
Restricted to students in 4th year.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 412F/G, ICS Honours Seminar: Ethics and Rights
Description: Examinations of the grounds on which persons and groups may claim rights and freedoms, the moral or ethical claims that they may appropriately make of one another, and the degrees to which responsibility underscores relationships between humans in the world. For core themes in the current session, please see the Centre for International Studies.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative Studies 301, or permission of the Department.
Restricted to students in 4th year.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 413F/G, ICS Honors Seminar: Place and Movement
Description: Examinations of the relationships between and problems regarding geography, human territories, change, and human movement. For core themes in the current session, please see the Centre for International Studies.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative Studies 301, or permission of the Department.
Restricted to students in 4th year.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 414F/G, ICS Honors Seminar: Gender
Description: Examinations of the pervasiveness of gender and gender-specific experiences in social encounters, interrelations and communal structures in the world. For core themes in the current session, please see the Centre for International Studies.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative Studies 301, or permission of the Department.
Restricted to students in 4th year.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 415F/G, ICS Honors Seminar: Power and Resistance
Description: Examination of the relations of power and resistance, including studies of forms of oppression, hegemonic structures, and forms of organizing. For core themes in the current session, please see the Centre for International Studies.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative Studies 301, or permission of the Department.
Restricted to students in 4th year.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 416F/G, ICS Honors Seminar: Globalization
Description: An examination of key trends attributed to globalization, with particular emphasis on their effects on the production of social and cultural diversity, communications, environment, social movements, economic change, human security and self-determination. For core themes in the current session, please see the Centre for International Studies.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative Studies 301, or permission of the Department.
Restricted to students in 4th year.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 417F/G, ICS Honors Seminar: Narrating Cultures
Description: Examinations of the cultural functions and roles of artistic expression, primarily through comparative examples of literature and cinematic film. For core themes in the current session, see the Centre for International and Comparative Studies.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative Studies 301, or permission of the Department.
Restricted to students in 4th year.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 418F/G, ICS Honors Seminar: Postcolonial Orders
Description: Examinations of the ways in which contemporary international orders and norms remain shaped by colonial cultures and an imperial imaginary in the postcolonial world. For core themes in the current session, see the Centre for International and Comparative Studies.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative Studies 301, or permission of the Department.
Restricted to students in 4th year.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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International and Comparative Studies 490E, Honors Thesis
Description: An original research project under faculty supervision, with scheduled tutorials and class meetings held throughout the year. An oral defence of the thesis will be required.
Prerequisite(s): International Comparative Studies 301. Restricted to ICS Combined Honors students with a grade of 75% in each of ICS 200E and 300F/G
1.0 course.
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Academic Calendar 2006 (new)» » AFFILIATED COLLEGE COURSE INFORMATION» International and Comparative Studies