Academic Calendar - 2021 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2021ARCHIVE

Political Science 3320E


Women continue to be underrepresented in civic leadership. This course offers a unique experience for students who identify as women and are interested in becoming engaged in civic leadership and community building. Students are paired with a female civic leader to learn about the opportunities and barriers facing women.

Antirequisite(s): Social Justice and Peace Studies 3398F, Social Justice and Peace Studies 3399G in 2016-2017; Social Justice and Peace Studies 3320E.

Prerequisite(s): 1.0, or the equivalent, from: Social Justice and Peace Studies 2301A/B, Social Justice and Peace Studies 2302A/B, Social Justice and Peace Studies 2303A/B, Social Justice and Peace Studies 2304F/G or the former Interdisciplinary Studies 2240F/G, Political Science 2230E, Political Science 2236E, Political Science 2255F/G, Leadership Studies 2233A/B, the former Dimensions Of Leadership 2233A/B, and permission of the Program Co-ordinator/Chair.

Extra Information: 2 hours, 1.0 course. Limited enrolment. Meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the course. Priority will be given to students registered in Political Science or Social Justice and Peace Studies at Kings; or Political Science or Leadership Studies at Brescia. Application and interview are required. Check deadlines with your Program Coordinator/Chair.

Course Weight: 1.00
Breadth: CATEGORY A i  
Subject Code: POLISCI

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