Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025

Centre for Global Studies 3530F/G


Critical investigations into ways in which social life and formations of community are irreducible to correlative orders of governance/anarchy and how these forms of living exceed, exist beyond, and are indifferent to politics. Emphasis is placed on studying immediate social affirmations of life in the world, expressive of the unpolitical.

Prerequisite(s): Any one of the following: 0.5 Centre for Global Studies course at the 1000-1099 level; 0.5 course from Centre for Global Studies 2002F/G, Centre for Global Studies 2003F/G, or Centre for Global Studies 2004F/G; 0.5 GSWS course at the 1000 level; Geography 1400F/G; Geography 1500F/G; Health Sciences 1001A/B, Health Sciences 1002A/B, and Health Sciences 1110A/B; Governance, Leadership and Ethics 2001F/G; Indigenous Studies 1020E; MediaCom 1020E; SJPS 1025F/G; enrolment in Major in Community Development; enrolment in Honours Specialization in Community Development in Global Context; enrolment in Honours Specialization, Major, Specialization, or Minor in Gender and Women's Studies; enrolment in Honours Specialization, Major, Specialization, or Minor in Health Sciences; enrolment in Honours Specialization, Major, or Minor in Indigenous Studies; enrolment in Honours Specialization, Major, or Minor in Media, Information and Technoculture; enrolment in Honours Specialization, Major, Specialization, or Minor in Social Justice and Peace Studies; or permission of the Centre for Global Studies.

Extra Information: 3 hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
Breadth: CATEGORY A i  
Subject Code: CGS

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