Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025

Sociology 2268F/G


This course explores two aspects of mental illness and policing: mental illness within policing, focusing on operational and organizational stressors/impacts and police response to people living with mental illness. Issues such as criminalization processes, social determinants of health, equity and justice, and movements for social and structural transformation are explored.

Antirequisite(s): Sociology 2293F/G if taken in 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023.

Prerequisite(s): 1.0 from Sociology courses at the 1000 level.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
Breadth: CATEGORY A i  
Subject Code: SOCIOLOG

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