Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025
Western Main Campus

Music 3199A/B


Students who will complete an experiential or service learning opportunity may pre-apply for conditional approval to have the work recognized for academic credit. Eligible initiatives include (but are not limited to): Internships; Western Heads East; approved service-learning experiences.

Antirequisite(s): The same course offered through any other Faculty.

Extra Information: 0.5 course, pass/fail NOTE: Academic credit will be given for the course in the same academic year in which approval was given. Students must consult with the Dean of the Faculty (or designate) prior to departure and present a detailed study/research/work plan. The Dean, in consultation with appropriate departmental advisers will provide the student with detailed criteria which must be fulfilled in order to gain credit for the course. These criteria (in the form of a `contract` to be signed by the student and the Dean), may include, but are not limited to: a detailed report of results (with a specified format/length), a detailed diary or blog, a reflection on the learning experience, an oral presentation to peers and faculty. The student will report to the Dean upon return or completion of the experience. No credit will be given without prior approval of the Dean and a failing grade will be assigned if students do not fulfill the pre-approved reporting arrangement. This course may not be used as a substitute for any other course offered by the Faculty of Music, but may count towards the 15.0, 20.0, or 22.0 courses required for graduation, by special permission of the Dean.

Course Weight: 0.50
Breadth: CATEGORY A i  
Subject Code: MUSIC