Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025
Western Main Campus

Medical Sciences 4931F/G


An introduction to the basic medical sciences through a discussion and investigation of selected topics in medical sciences. Topics will focus on human diseases or conditions which are most common or result in most illness and death or burden to the health system (e.g., diabetes, obesity, cancer, neurodegenerative disease).

Antirequisite(s): Medical Sciences 4930F/G.

Prerequisite(s): Registration in Year 4 of a BMSc, BSc, BESc or BHSc degree, with the exception of the Honours Specialization in IMS, or permission of the instructor.

Extra Information: 3 lecture/tutorial hours/week or equivalent online delivery.

Course Weight: 0.50
Breadth: CATEGORY C i  
Subject Code: MEDSCIEN

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