Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025
Western Main Campus

English 3318E


This course is an introduction to some of the major texts and themes of Middle English literature, with an emphasis on Chaucer and his contemporaries. Examples of medieval drama, romances, texts from the Arthurian tradition, and medieval autobiography and letter-writing may also be included.

Antirequisite(s): English 3114E, the former English 3115E, the former English 3116E, the former English 3118F/G or the former English 3119F/G.

Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in 1.0 of English 1000-1999, or permission of the Department.

Extra Information: 3 hours.

Course Weight: 1.00
Breadth: CATEGORY B i  
Subject Code: ENGLISH

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