Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025
Western Main Campus

Data Science 4999Z


An individual research project on a specific data science problem supervised by a Western faculty member. A written thesis and an oral presentation will be required.

Antirequisite(s): Computer Science 3380F/G/Z, Computer Science 4460Z, Computer Science 4480Y, Computer Science 4470Y, Computer Science 4490Z, Statistical Science 4999F/G/Z, Actuarial Sciences 4997F/G/Z, Financial Modelling 4998F/G/Z.

Prerequisite(s): Registration in the Honours Specialization in Data Science. Data Science 3000A/B (or former Computer Science 4414A/B, the former Statistical Sciences 3850F/G, the former Software Engineering 4460A/B). 1.5 courses from Computer Science 3319A/B, Computer Science 3340A/B, Statistical Sciences 3843A/B, Statistical Sciences 3859A/B, Statistical Sciences 3860A/B, Statistical Sciences 4850F/G.

Extra Information: Starts in September of an academic year and ends in April of the same academic year.

Course Weight: 0.50
Breadth: CATEGORY C i  
Subject Code: DATASCI

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