Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025
Western Main Campus

Medical Biophysics 3720A


Through this introductory course, students will learn the physics and methods of how images are formed for the major clinical imaging modalities, which include ultrasound, x-rays (i.e., diagnostic radiology), computed tomography, nuclear medicine, positron-emission tomography (PET), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Antirequisite(s): the former Medical Biophysics 4475A/B.

Prerequisite(s): One of Calculus 1000A/B, Calculus 1500A/B, Numerical and Mathematical Methods 1412A/B, the former Applied Mathematics 1412A/B, the former Applied Mathematics 1413; and one of Physics 1201A/B, Physics 1401A/B, Physics 1501A/B, the former Physics 1028A/B, the former Physics 1301A/B. Open only to students who are registered in Years 3 or 4.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
Breadth: CATEGORY C i  
Subject Code: MEDBIO

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