Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025


Course Numbering

0001-0999* Pre-University level introductory courses
1000-1999 Year 1 courses
2000-4999 Senior-level undergraduate courses
5000-5999 Professional Degree courses in Dentistry, Education, Law, Medicine and Theology (MTS, MDiv)
6000-6999 Courses offered by Continuing Studies
9000-9999 Graduate Studies courses

* These courses are equivalent to pre-university introductory courses and may be counted for credit in the student's record, unless these courses were taken in a preliminary year. They may not be counted toward essay or breadth requirements, or used to meet modular admission requirements unless it is explicitly stated in the Senate-approved outline of the module.


no suffix 1.0 course not designated as an essay course
A 0.5 course offered in first term
B 0.5 course offered in second term
A/B 0.5 course offered in first and/or second term
E 1.0 essay course
F 0.5 essay course offered in first term
G 0.5 essay course offered in second term
F/G 0.5 essay course offered in first and/or second term
H 1.0 accelerated course (8 weeks)
J 1.0 accelerated course (6 weeks)
K 0.75 course
L 0.5 graduate course offered in summer term (May - August)
Q/R/S/T 0.25 course offered within a regular session
U 0.25 course offered in other than a regular session
W/X 1.0 accelerated course (full course offered in one term)
Y 0.5 course offered in other than a regular session
Z 0.5 essay course offered in other than a regular session



A course that must be successfully completed prior to registration for credit in the desired course.


A course that must be taken concurrently with (or prior to registration in) the desired course.


Courses that overlap sufficiently in course content that both cannot be taken for credit.

Essay Courses

Many courses at Western have a significant writing component. To recognize student achievement, a number of such courses have been designated as essay courses and will be identified on the student's record (E essay full course; F/G/Z essay half-course).

Principal Courses

A first year course that is listed by a department offering a module as a requirement for admission to the module. For admission to an Honours Specialization module or Double Major modules in an Honours Bachelor degree, at least 3.0 courses will be considered principal courses.


Course Level

Course Type


Epidemiologists work with categorical data (e.g. healthy, sick, dead) and with time to event data (e.g. time to death). This course introduces analytic methods of such data, expanding on aspects of study design and analysis introduced in Epidemiology 2200A/B. It requires a prior introduction to analyses of continuous data.

Prerequisite(s): Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B, and Epidemiology 2200A/B, with a minimum mark of 75% in each.

Extra Information: 2 lecture hours and 1 laboratory hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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This course covers frequently used multivariable regression models (linear for continuous outcomes and logistic for binary outcomes) in health research. By the end of the course students will (i) understand and critique applications of regression models appearing in the biomedical literature and (ii) carry out their own analyses.

Prerequisite(s): Biostatistics 3100A and Epidemiology 3200A, with a minimum mark of 70% in each.

Extra Information: 2 lecture hours and 1 laboratory hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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This course introduces students to the use of both commercial software (i.e., SAS and Stata) and open-source software (R via RStudio) for data management, exploratory data analysis, data generation, and inferential statistical analysis. Examples will be used throughout the course to illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of each software.

Prerequisite(s): Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B, and Epidemiology 2200A/B with marks of at least 75% in each; and registration in a module in Epidemiology and Biostatistics.

Extra Information: 2 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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