Professional Degree courses in Dentistry, Education, Law, Medicine and Theology (MTS, MDiv)
Courses offered by Continuing Studies
Graduate Studies courses
* These courses are equivalent to pre-university introductory courses and may be counted for credit in the student's record, unless these courses were taken in a preliminary year. They may not be counted toward essay or breadth requirements, or used to meet modular admission requirements unless it is explicitly stated in the Senate-approved outline of the module.
no suffix
1.0 course not designated as an essay course
0.5 course offered in first term
0.5 course offered in second term
0.5 course offered in first and/or second term
1.0 essay course
0.5 essay course offered in first term
0.5 essay course offered in second term
0.5 essay course offered in first and/or second term
1.0 accelerated course (8 weeks)
1.0 accelerated course (6 weeks)
0.75 course
0.5 graduate course offered in summer term (May - August)
0.25 course offered within a regular session
0.25 course offered in other than a regular session
1.0 accelerated course (full course offered in one term)
0.5 course offered in other than a regular session
0.5 essay course offered in other than a regular session
A course that must be successfully completed prior to registration for credit in the desired course.
A course that must be taken concurrently with (or prior to registration in) the desired course.
Courses that overlap sufficiently in course content that both cannot be taken for credit.
Essay Courses
Many courses at Western have a significant writing component. To recognize student achievement, a number of such courses have been designated as essay courses and will be identified on the student's record (E essay full course; F/G/Z essay half-course).
Principal Courses
A first year course that is listed by a department offering a module as a requirement for admission to the module. For admission to an Honours Specialization module or Double Major modules in an Honours Bachelor degree, at least 3.0 courses will be considered principal courses.
An introduction to the concepts and theories of physics. Topics covered include the laws of dynamics and energy transformations; electrical, gravitational, and magnetic fields; electromagnetic radiation; and the interface between energy and matter. Students will also develop inquiry skills, and an understanding of the scientific method.
Antirequisite(s): Grade 12U Physics or any university level Physics course.
Prerequisite(s): High School Physics (Grade 11 Advanced Level or equivalent) or permission of the Dean, and registration in the Preliminary Year program.
Extra Information: 2 lecture hours, 3 laboratory/tutorial hours.
An introductory course in physics covering the foundation principles of kinematics, force and motion, work and energy, linear momentum, rotation, torque and angular momentum, fluids, oscillations, and waves. Physics 0011A/B and Physics 0012A/B in combination are equivalent to the Ontario Grade 12U level Physics.
Antirequisite(s): Ontario High School SPH4U, Physics 0010, any university-level Physics course.
Prerequisite(s): High School Physics (Grade 11 Advanced Level or equivalent) or permission of the Dean, and registration in the Preliminary Year program.
Extra Information: 2 lecture hours, 3 laboratory/tutorial hours.
This course explores gravitation, electric circuits, electric fields and potential, magnetic fields and electromagnetic induction. Physics 0011A/B and Physics 0012A/B in combination are equivalent to the Ontario Grade 12U level Physics.
Antirequisite(s): Ontario High School SPH4U or equivalent, Physics 0010, any university-level Physics course.
Prerequisite(s):Physics 0011A/B or permission of the Dean, and registration in the Preliminary Year program.
Extra Information: 2 lecture hours, 3 laboratory/tutorial hours.
The concepts of physics are presented without mathematics. The topics include motion, force, mass, energy, momentum, rotational motion, heat, sound, electricity, magnetism, optics, lasers, and relativity. Demonstrations are an important component. This non-laboratory course is particularly suitable for Arts and Humanities and Social Science students.
An introductory algebra-based course in physics covering the foundation principles of kinematics, forces, conservation of energy and momentum, torque, equilibrium, geometric optics and optical instruments. Fundamental physics concepts are introduced with examples from biological applications.
An introductory algebra-based course in physics covering the foundation principles of oscillations and waves, fluids, electricity, and magnetism. Fundamental physics concepts are introduced with examples from biological applications.
Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 3 laboratory hours.
Note: This course is not suitable for entry into programs in Physics and Astronomy or for admission to the Bachelor of Medical Sciences program.
An introductory laboratory-based course in physics covering the foundational principles of kinematics, force and motion, energy, linear momentum, rotational motion, torque, equilibrium, angular momentum, geometric optics and optical instruments. Fundamental physics concepts are introduced with examples in physical, biological, and medical processes to develop students’ problem-solving skills.
Pre-or Corequisite(s): Grade 12U Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U) or Mathematics 0110A/B.
Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 3 laboratory/tutorial hours.
Note: This course, together with Physics 1202A/B, is a suitable prerequisite for modules having an introductory physics requirement (including modules in the Faculty of Science, modules offered by the basic Medical Science departments, and professional schools requiring a calculus-based laboratory course in physics).
An introductory laboratory-based course in physics covering the foundational principles of oscillations, waves, fluids, electric fields and potential, DC circuits, magnetic fields, and magnetic induction. Fundamental physics concepts are introduced with examples in physical, biological, and medical processes to develop students’ problem-solving skills.
Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 3 laboratory/tutorial hours.
Note: This course, together with Physics 1201A/B, is a suitable prerequisite for modules having an introductory physics requirement (including modules in the Faculty of Science, modules offered by the basic Medical Science departments, and professional schools requiring a calculus-based laboratory course in physics).
An introductory calculus-based laboratory course in physics covering the foundational principles of kinematics, force and motion, energy, linear momentum, rotation, torque and angular momentum, gravitation, fluids.
An introductory calculus-based laboratory course in physics covering the foundational principles of oscillations, waves, electric fields and potential, DC circuits, magnetic fields, magnetic induction.
A calculus-based laboratory course for students intending to pursue further studies in science, particularly the physical sciences. Newton's laws, energy, linear momentum, rotations and angular momentum, gravitation and planetary motion.
Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 3 laboratory/tutorial hours.
Note: This course, together with Physics 1502A/B, is a suitable prerequisite for all modules in the Faculty of Science, for all modules offered by the basic medical science departments and for professional schools having a Physics requirement.
A calculus-based laboratory course for students intending to pursue further studies in science, particularly the physical sciences. Relativity, the electromagnetic interaction, the strong and weak interactions, oscillations and waves.
Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 3 laboratory/tutorial hours.
Note: This course, together with Physics 1501A/B, is a suitable prerequisite for all modules in the Faculty of Science, for modules offered by the basic medical science departments and for professional schools having a Physics requirement.
The athlete's goal is typically to go faster or throw farther than the competition. Designed for non-science students, this course will highlight examples in many different sports where an understanding of physical principles has helped in 'cheating' the wind or the water to improve performance.
This course is designed for non-science students and examines the atmosphere in which we live, how it affects our everyday life, and how we in turn, as the technologically dominant earth-borne species, affect it. Atmospheric phenomena such as wind, temperature, composition, precipitation and electricity are used to illustrate basic physical principles.
Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves and induction, geometric optics, the propagation of light, thermal properties of matter and the laws of thermodynamics.
A unified treatment of oscillatory and wave motion, with examples from mechanics, electromagnetism, optics and materials science. Topics include simple harmonic motion, forced oscillations and resonance, coupled oscillations, transverse waves on strings and in crystals, longitudinal waves in gases and solids, electromagnetic waves, Fourier methods, nonlinear oscillations and chaos.
This course discusses the basics of quantum information; quantum phenomena; quantum circuits and universality; basics of computational complexity; relationship between quantum and classical complexity classes; simple quantum algorithms such as quantum Fourier transform; Shor factoring algorithm; Grover search algorithm; physical realization of quantum computation; error correction and fault tolerance.
The properties of materials are described in terms of their atomic structure and interatomic bonding. The basic physical principles underlying mechanical, electrical, and magnetic properties are discussed in the context of modern materials including polymers and semiconductors.
Students will gain an introduction to experimental techniques through experiments on electricity and magnetism, and modern physics. Concurrent lectures will cover circuit theory and experimental design.
A forum for students to meet the third and fourth year students and faculty in an informal setting. We will discuss research areas, practise giving and critiquing talks, and provide information on careers.
This course provides students with the tools to tackle more complex problems than those covered in introductory mechanics. D'Alembert's principle, principle of least action, Lagrange's equations, Hamilton's equations, Poisson brackets, canonical transformations, central forces, rigid bodies, oscillations. Optional topics including: special relativity, Hamilton-Jacobi theory, constrained systems, field theory.
The Schrodinger equation in one dimension, wave packets, stationary states, the harmonic oscillator, the postulates of Quantum Mechanics, operators and eigenvalue equations, angular momentum, the hydrogen atom.
A study of static electric and magnetic fields using vector calculus; time varying electric and magnetic fields, Maxwell's equations, electric and magnetic fields in matter.
An introduction to the principles of optics and modern optical devices. Topics include geometrical optics, interference, diffraction, reflection, transmission, and polarization, modulation of light waves, fiber-optical light guides, optical communication systems, integrated optics.
A senior physics laboratory designed to familiarize the student with the basic concepts of modern physics, with emphasis on the development of experimental skills and including an introduction to computer programming and its use in experimental analysis.
A project-oriented computation course using applications of numerical methods to problems in medical physics, science of materials, atmospheric physics and astrophysics. Projects will involve choosing a physical problem, posing scientific questions, and implementing a computer simulation. Techniques for programming, analysis, and presentation will be developed.
Antirequisite(s): The former Applied Mathematics 3911F/G.
A forum for students to meet the second and fourth year students and faculty in an informal setting. We will discuss research areas, practise giving and critiquing talks, and provide information on careers.
Potential scattering, spin, addition of angular momenta, stationary and time-dependent perturbation theory, systems of identical particles, applications to atomic, molecular, solid state, nuclear, particle and atmospheric physics.
Antirequisite(s): The former Applied Mathematics 4251A.
Concepts from electromagnetic theory, quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics will be applied to illuminate the principles and techniques of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Applications of NMR to materials science, chemistry, and medicine will be discussed.
Prerequisite(s):Physics 2102A/B or Physics 2129A/B or Medical Biophysics 2129A/B, or permission of the Department.
Physical principles are used to investigate the dynamics, thermodynamics and composition of atmospheres with primary focus on Earth. Planetary atmospheres will be discussed in relation to Earth's atmosphere.
Synthesis, properties, characterization and application of materials structured on the nanometer scale. Fabrication methods including epitaxy, lithography, and self-assembly. Optical and electronic properties of nanomaterials including carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, nanoparticles. Interaction with electrons and photons. Characterization methods, including electron microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, plasmon resonance.
A research project in advanced experimental, theoretical or computational physics under faculty supervision. It is intended to provide students with experience in the design, implementation and presentation of a physics experiment.
Extra Information: 6 hours.
Note: Though this course and Physics 4999E Honours Thesis Project are not antirequisites, the project undertaken for Physics 4910F/G must be distinctly different from that of Physics 4999E, if applicable.
A forum for students to meet the second and third year students and faculty in an informal setting. We will discuss research areas, practise giving and critiquing talks, and provide information on careers.
The student will work on a research project, either experimental or theoretical, under faculty supervision, and present the results in a written report and in a seminar.
Prerequisite(s): Registration in the fourth year of an Honours Physics program.