Academic Calendar - 2021 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2021ARCHIVE


Centre for Global Studies - Faculty of Arts and Social Science

Admission Requirements

Completion of first-year requirements with no failures.

Students must take 3.0 principal courses, achieving an average of at least 70% across them and with no final grade of less than 60% in any of them. These principal courses must include the following 2.0 courses:

0.5 course: Centre for Global Studies 1023F/G;
1.0 course: Health Sciences 1001A/B, Health Sciences 1002A/B with a minimum of 70% in each of these two courses;
0.5 course from: CGS 1021F/G, CGS 1022F/G

The remaining 1.0 principal course and the other 2.0 first-year courses may be taken from across the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences. Geography 1400F/G, Geography 1500F/G, and Sociology 1020 are recommended to satisfy prerequisites needed in the module.

Module/Program Information

9.0 courses

3.5 courses: CGS 2002F/G, CGS 3519F/G, CGS 3520F/G; Health Sciences 2250A/B, Health Sciences 3002A/B, Health Sciences 3250F/G; Sociology 2180A/B.
0.5 course from: CGS 2003F/G, CGS 2004F/G.
0.5 course from: CGS 3001F/G, CGS 3006F/G.
1.5 courses from : CGS 3509F/G, CGS 3512F/G, CGS 3513F/G, CGS 3514F/G, CGS 3517F/G, CGS 3518F/G, CGS 3525F/G, CGS 3526F/G, CGS 3527F/G, CGS 3528F/G.
1.0 course from: Geography 2430A/B, Geography 3431A/B, Geography 3432A/B; Sociology 3370F/G, Sociology 3371F/G.
1.0 course from: Health Sciences 2610F/G, Health Sciences 3042A/B, Health Sciences 3071A/B, Health Sciences 3210A/B, Health Sciences 3240A/B, Health Sciences 3251F/G, Health Sciences 3262F/G, Health Sciences 3630F/G, Health Sciences 3704A/B, Health Sciences 3840A/B, Law 3101A/B, and with permission: Health Sciences 3090A/B, Health Sciences 3091A/B, Health Sciences 3092A/B, Health Sciences 3093F/G, the former Health Sciences 3290A/B.
0.5 course from: Centre for Global Studies 4000-level.
0.5 course from: Health Sciences 4044A/B, Health Sciences 4200F/G, Health Sciences 4205A/B, Health Sciences 4220F/G, Health Sciences 4250A/B, Health Sciences 4505F/G, and with permission: Health Sciences 4090A/B, Health Sciences 4091A/B, Health Sciences 4092F/G.

Language Requirement

2.0 language courses with progression from one level to the next (e.g. 1030 level to 2000 level or 2000 level to 3000 level) in a language other than English, or 2.0 language courses in two different languages other than English at any level, or by demonstrating working fluency in a language other than English.