Completion of first-year requirements, including Disability Studies 1010A/B, or the former Interdisciplinary Studies 1010A/B, with a minimum grade of 60%.
4.0 courses:
1.0 course: Disability Studies 2201F/G (or the former Disability Studies 2201A/B) and Disability Studies 2202A/B, or the former Interdisciplinary Studies 2246.
1.5 course from: Disability Studies at the 2000 level or above.
1.5 course from: Disability Studies or the Approved Course list (Group B).
Group A: Any Disability Studies Course level 2000 or above.
Group B: Anthropology 3354F/G, GSWS 2223F/G, History of Science 2220, Philosophy 2203, Philosophy 2208E, Political Science 2208E, Political Science
3307F/G, Political Science 3312F/G, Psychology 3310F/G, Psychology 3311, Psychology 3320F/G, Psychology 3725F/G, Psychology 4303F/G, Sociology 2206A/B, Sociology 2245, Sociology 3304F/G, Sociology 3305F/G, Sociology 3371F/G, Social Work 2206A/B, Social Work 2216A/B, Social Work 3344A/B, Thanatology 2225A/B, Thanatology 2230F/G, Thanatology 2234F/G, Thanatology 3355F/G, the former Interdisciplinary Studies 2252F/G, the former Childhood and Social Institutions 2210F/G, the former Childhood and Social Institutions 3300F/G, the former Childhood and Social Institutions 3364F/G, the former Childhood and Social Institutions 3360F/G, the former Political Science 3309E, the former Thanatology 2200.