Completion of first-year requirements including Thanatology 1025A/B with a minimum grade of 60%.
4.0 courses:
2.0 courses: Thanatology 2225A/B (or the former Thanatology 2200), Thanatology 2230A/B, Thanatology 2231A/B, Thanatology 3355A/B.
1.5 additional course in Thanatology numbered 2200-2299.
0.5 additional course in Thanatology numbered 3300-3399.
*Students who have completed the former Thanatology 2200 are only required to complete 1.0 course from this section.
Note: 0.5 of the 2.0 additional Thanatology courses above may include 0.5 from Thanatology 2602A/B, Thanatology 2605A/B, Thanatology 3601A/B, Thanatology 3603A/B, Thanatology 3606A/B and Thanatology 3607A/B.
Note: Special topics courses in Thanatology may be substituted with permission from the program coordinator.