Admission to this module is discontinued effective September 1, 2017. Students enrolled in the module will be allowed to graduate until August 31, 2021 upon fulfillment of the module requirements.
Completion of first-year requirements, including 1.0 course from Comparative Literature and Culture 1020 or Comparative Literature and Culture 1040 or Comparative Literature and Culture 1050E with a mark of at least 60%.
9.0 courses:
3.0 courses: from CLC 2000 level or above.
0.5 course (must be taken in second year): CLC 2200F/G.
2.5 courses: from CLC 2201F/G or above.
1.0 course: either French 1900E or French 1910 or another non-English language course at the 2200 level.
0.5 course (must be taken in third year): CLC 3300F/G.
1.5 courses: from CLC 3301F/G or above.
Some courses in this module require first year prerequisites. Students who can demonstrate language proficiency either in French 1900E or French 1910 or another non-English language course at the 2200 level may be given permission to replace 1.0 language credit with 1.0 literature and culture course in the second language at the 2200 level or above.
Please note that 1.0 course may be double-counted between the CLC module and a major or certificate in a non-English language offered by the department.