Completion of first-year requirements, including 1.0 course Japanese 1036 with a mark of at least 60%, or permission of the Department.
3.0 courses:
1.0 course: Japanese 2260.
1.0 course: Intercultural Communications 2200F/G, Intercultural Communications 2500F/G.
0.5 course from: Intercultural Communications 3300F/G/Z, Intercultural Communications 3600F/G/Z, Intercultural Communications 3800F/G/Z.
0.5 course from: Japanese 2601A/B, Japanese 3650F/G, Intercultural Communications 3300F/G/Z, Intercultural Communications 3600F/G/Z, Intercultural Communications 3800F/G/Z (not selected above) or by special permission Film Studies 2164A/B, Film Studies 3375F/G, the former Film Studies 2240F/G.