Academic Calendar - 2021 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2021ARCHIVE

Western Main Campus

Faculty of Social Science - Indigenous Studies Program

Admission Requirements

Completion of first year requirements, including Indigenous Studies 1020E with a mark of at least 60%. Anthropology 1025F/G and Anthropology 1026F/G are recommended in first year.

Module/Program Information

4.0 courses:

1.0 course from: Anthropology 2253A/B, Indigenous Studies 2104, Indigenous Studies 2213F/G, Indigenous Studies 2218F/G, Indigenous Studies 2253A/B, Sociology 2190F/G, the former Anthropology 2217F/G, the former Anthropology 2218F/G, the former First Nations Studies 2112, the former First Nations Studies 2217F/G.
1.0 course from: Indigenous Studies 3104, Indigenous Studies 3140F/G, Indigenous Studies 3142F/G, Indigenous Studies 3722F/G, Political Science 3398F/G.
2.0 courses in Indigenous Studies at the 2000 level or higher, from the list above, not previously taken, or from: Anthropology 2203F/G, Anthropology 2211F/G, Anthropology 2212F/G, Anthropology 2216F/G, Anthropology 2233F/G, Anthropology 2234F/G, Anthropology 3343A/B, Astronomy 2020F/G, English 3680F/G, Indigenous Studies 2103F/G, Indigenous Studies 2113, Indigenous Studies 2120, Indigenous Studies 2203F/G, Indigenous Studies 2211F/G, Indigenous Studies 2212F/G, Indigenous Studies 2216F/G, Indigenous Studies 2233F/G, Indigenous Studies 2234F/G, Indigenous Studies 2501F/G, Indigenous Studies 2601F/G, Indigenous Studies 2700A/B, Indigenous Studies 2901E, Indigenous Studies 2919F/G, Indigenous Studies 3001F/G, Indigenous Studies 3306A/B, Indigenous Studies 3880F/G, Indigenous Studies 4022E, Indigenous Studies 4023F/G, Indigenous Studies 4903F/G, Geography 2411F/G, Geography 3001F/G, History 2209E, the former Anthropology 2220E, the former Anthropology 2231F/G, the former Anthropology 2232F/G, the former Anthropology 4402F/G, the former First Nations Studies 2101E, the former First Nations Studies 2132F/G, the former First Nations Studies 2231F/G, the former First Nations Studies 2232F/G, the former First Nations Studies 4141F/G, the former First Nations Studies 4402F/G, the former First Nations Studies 4901F/G, the former Indigenous Studies 3500F/G.

Note: Some courses are offered only in alternate years. Students are advised to consult the Indigenous Studies Program Coordinator when planning their module.

In any academic year, students may not register in more than 0.5 course from: Indigenous Studies 3011F/G, Indigenous Studies 4011F/G.