Academic Calendar - 2024

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2024

Western Main Campus

Faculty of Social Science - Economics

Admission Requirements

Completion of first-year requirements with no failures.  Students must have an average of at least 70% with no mark less than 60% in 3.0 principal courses, including an average of at least 70% with no grades less than 60% in the following 1.5 courses: Economics 1021A/B and Economics 1022A/B; and Calculus 1000A/B or Calculus 1500A/B.

(Engineering students and Science students may substitute Economics 2001A/B for Economics 1021A/B and Economics 1022A/B, and the former Applied Mathematics 1413 for Calculus 1000A/B and Calculus 1500A/B, and Numerical and Mathematical Methods 1412A/B in place of Calculus 1000A/B and Calculus 1500A/B. Please contact the department for details.)

Module/Program Information

9.0 courses:

3.0 courses normally taken in second year: Economics 2220A/B, Economics 2221A/B, Economics 2222A/B, Economics 2223A/B, Economics 2260A/B, Economics 2261A/B*.
1.5 course normally taken in fourth year: Economics 3388A/B and Economics 4400E.
1.0 course in Economics at the 2200 or 3000 level with an F/G designation.
1.0 course
in Economics with international or global content**.
1.0 course in non-English modern language at the 2200 level or above or in French at the 1900 level or above. Students with demonstrated prior language proficiency may substitute additional Economics courses at the 2200 or 3000 level to meet this requirement.
1.5 additional courses from: Economics at the 2200 level or above, Epidemiology 4615B, a non-English modern language, an approved list of courses with international/global content available on the Department of Economics website.

*Students who have taken a 1.0 or 0.5 credit course in introductory statistics at the 2100 level or higher in the Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences can substitute that course for Economics 2222A/B towards the module requirements (exception: if the statistics course is being used in another module, no credit overlap is allowed, and students are required to replace Economics 2222A/B with another 0.5 course in Economics at the 2200 level or higher). Students who have completed any other introductory statistics course listed as an antirequisite to Economics 2222A/B must replace Economics 2222A/B with 0.5 course in Economics at the 2200 or 3000 level.

Students who have taken Statistical Sciences 3859A/B starting from the fall term of 2019 and onwards can substitute that course for Economics 2223A/B towards the modular requirements (exception: if the statistics course is being used in another module, no credit overlap is allowed, and students are required to replace Economics 2223A/B with another 0.5 course in Economics at the 2200 level or higher).

**The following Economics courses have international/global content: Economics 3311F/G, Economics 3324F/G, Economics 3325A/B, Economics 3352A/B, Economics 3353A/B, the former Economics 3312A/B, the former Economics 3326F/G, the former Economics 3327F/G, the former Economics 3368A/B, the former Economics 3369A/B, the former Economics 3398A/B. Check the Department of Economics website for modifications to this list; special permission may be requested to count other courses towards this requirement. Courses can be double counted towards both the F/G and international/global course requirements.

Students are encouraged to study abroad in an international student exchange program. Students may request permission to count courses in language, literature, culture or economics taken while studying abroad towards the program requirements.

Students who have completed Economics 2150A/B, Economics 2151A/B, Economics 2152A/B and Economics 2153A/B with no mark less than 75%, and who have taken Calculus 1000A/B or Calculus 1500A/B or the former Calculus 1100A/B with a mark of at least 60%, and have completed first year requirements including earning an average of at least 70% with no mark less than 60% in their required 3.0 principal courses, may enter the Global Economics Honours Specialization and be exempt from taking Economics 2220A/B, Economics 2221A/B, Economics 2260A/B and Economics 2261A/B. Students who have completed these requirements and have also completed Economics 2122A/B and Economics 2123A/B with no mark less than 75% may also be exempt from taking Economics 2222A/B and Economics 2223A/B.

Students may combine this module with a module in language, literature or culture in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities but should check with the Academic Counsellor to determine whether non-Economics courses completed as part of this module can also be counted toward the second module.

Courses counted toward first-year requirements cannot be used to fulfill the course requirements of this module.

Students admitted into the Honours Specialization in Global Economics module by transferring to main campus from an affiliate college and who completed Economics 2220A/B and/or Economics 2221A/B (or Economics 2152A/B and/or Economics 2153A/B with marks at 75% or higher) at an affiliate college must retake them at main campus.

Note: Students considering graduate studies in economics or finance should take certain advanced economics courses and additional mathematics and are strongly advised to consult with the Undergraduate Coordinator.