Completion of first-year requirements, including American Studies 1020 and any first year course(s) in Social Science, Arts and Humanities, Information and Media Studies, or Music with a minimum mark of 60%.
Any 2.0 first-year courses in Social Science, Arts and Humanities, Information and Media Studies, or Music with a minimum mark of 60%. with a minimum mark of 60%.
4.0 courses with at least 0.5 each from each of the following groups of courses:
a) English 2017, English 2401E, English 3201F/G, English 3202F/G, English 3470F/G, English 3480F/G, English 3490F/G, Film Studies 2254F/G Film Studies 3364F/G, the former English 2308E, (the former Film Studies 2253E)
b) History 2131A/B, History 2132A/B, History 2134A/B, History 2135A/B, History 2137A/B, History 2138A/B, History 2171A/B, , History 2301E, History 2703F/G, History 2807F/G, History 2817F/G, History 3301E, History 3305E, History 3306F/G, History 3326F/G, History 3395E, History 3396F/G, History 3808F/G, History 4301E, History 4303E, History 4392E, History 4396F/G; the former History 2303F/G, the former History 3321E,
c) Political Science 2211E, Political Science 2244E; Political Science 3207F/G, Political Science 3326E, Political Science 3367F/G, Political Science 3398F/G;
d) Anthropology 2203F/G, Geography 2142A/B, Geography 2410A/B, Geography 2411F/G, Geography 3411A/B; Indigenous Studies 2203F/G; Indigenous Studies 3722F/G, Indigenous Studies 3880F/G; Music 2700A/B, Music 2701A/B, Music 2702A/B; Sociology 3347F/G; Women's Studies 2160A/B, Women's Studies 2161A/B, Women's Studies 2817F/G; the former Anthropology 2231F/G, the former First Nations Studies 2910F/G, the former Geography 3412F/G or any course with significant American content that meets the approval of the Director of American Studies.
Students are advised that some of the upper-level courses in the module may have prerequisites that are not in the module. You may need to plan ahead or request special permission to enroll.