Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025

Western Main Campus

Faculty of Social Science - Geography and Environment

The Specialization in Geography and Commercial Aviation Management module allows students to select a Flight Training option which provides them the opportunity to obtain a Commercial Pilot's License. Students interested in pursuing the Flight Option must obtain a valid Transport Canada Category 1 Medical Certificate.

Admission Requirements

Students applying to this program must submit a supplementary application to the Department of Geography.

After first, second or third year, to enter the GEOGRAPHY AND COMMERCIAL AVIATION MANAGEMENT SPECIALIZATION, students must have achieved an overall average of 70% on the last 5.0 courses and a cumulative average of 65%.

Year 1
5.0 courses:

1.0 course* from: Geography 1100, Geography 1200A/B, Geography 1300A/B, Geography 1400F/G, Geography 1500F/G, Environmental Science 1021F/G.
0.5 course from: Computer Science 1025A/B, Computer Science 1026A/B, Computer Science 1032A/B.
0.5 course from: Category B or C.
3.0 courses numbered 1000-1999.


*If upper-year students have not completed 1.0 courses listed above, they may select one or two courses from: Geography 2131A/B, Geography 2132A/B, Geography 2133A/B, Geography 2152F/G, and/or Geography 2153A/B in making up the 1.0 admission requirement, as long as they were completed with a grade of at least 60%. Senior qualifying entry course(s) cannot be counted for subsequent program credit.

Module/Program Information

9.5 courses:

0.5 course: Geography 2210A/B (must be taken in Year 2).
1.5 courses: Geography 2220A/B, Geography 2230A/B, Geography 2310A/B.
3.0 courses: MOS 1022F/G, MOS 3305A/B, MOS 3306A/B, MOS 4405F/G, MOS 4406F/G, MOS 4409F/G.
0.5 course from: Geography 2330A/B, Geography 2410A/B, Geography 2411F/G, Geography 2412F/G, Geography 2420A/B, Geography 2430A/B, Geography 2460F/G.
1.0 course from: Geography 3210A/B, Geography 3211A/B, Geography 3222A/B, Geography 3224A/B, Geography 3225A/B, Geography 3226A/B, Geography 3231A/B, Geography 3250A/B, Geography 4220A/B, the former Geography 3223A/B, the former Geography 3421A/B.
0.5 course from: Geography 2132A/B, Geography 2133A/B, Geography 3311A/B, Geography 3334A/B, Geography 3341A/B, Geography 3350A/B, Geography 3352A/B, Geography 3354A/B.
1.0 course from: Geography 2000-2999, History 2814F/G, MOS 2199Y.
1.5 courses from: Geography 2100-4899, MOS 2330A/B, MOS 3199Y, MOS 4199Y.

Note: In cases where an antirequisite statistics course has been taken, then an additional 0.5 course numbered 2200 or above in Geography must be taken to make up the 9.5 courses required for the module.


Progression Requirements

To remain in the GEOGRAPHY AND COMMERCIAL AVIATION MANAGEMENT SPECIALIZATION, students must have maintained a minimum cumulative average of 65%.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate from the GEOGRAPHY AND COMMERCIAL AVIATION MANAGEMENT SPECIALIZATION, students must achieve a minimum cumulative average of 65% on the 20.0 courses counted towards the GEOGRAPHY AND COMMERCIAL AVIATION MANAGEMENT SPECIALIZATION Degree. Students with advanced standing must achieve an overall average of 65% on courses completed at Western.

All students require 2.0 designated essay courses (E, F or G; at least 1.0 of which must be a senior course numbered 2000-4999) and 1.0 course from each of Categories A, B and C.