Admission to this module is discontinued effective September 1, 2019. Students enrolled in the module will be allowed to graduate until August 31, 2023, upon fulfillment of the module requirements.
Completion of first-year requirements, including 1.0 first year course from: Sociology 1020, Sociology 1021E, Sociology 1025A/B, Sociology 1026F/G, Sociology 1027A/B with a minimum mark of 60%.
6.0 courses:
1.0 course: Sociology 2205A/B, Sociology 2206A/B.
1.0 course from: Sociology 2240E or both Sociology 2270A/B and Sociology 2271A/B.
2.0 courses from: Sociology 2180A/B*, Sociology 2202, Sociology 2236A/B, Sociology 2246A/B, Sociology 2285A/B. (If more than 2.0 courses are taken from this list then they may be taken in place of courses from the next grouping).
2.0 courses from: Sociology 2105A/B*, Sociology 2144A/B*, Sociology 2179A/B*, Sociology 2235, Sociology 2247A/B, Sociology 2281A/B, Sociology 3308F/G, Sociology 3381F/G, the former Sociology 3303F/G.
Note: * Students registered in the Major in Sociology of Population, Aging and Health may count a maximum of 1.0 Sociology course at 2100-2999 level from this list to be counted toward completion of modular requirements.
Students in the Honours Double Major program must complete 1.0 of the courses at the 3000-level from this list.