9.5 courses:
3.5 courses: Statistical Sciences 2503A/B (or the former Applied Mathematics 2503A/B), Statistical Sciences 2857A/B, Statistical Sciences 2858A/B, Statistical Sciences 2864A/B, Statistical Sciences 3657A/B, Statistical Sciences 3858A/B, Statistical Sciences 4861A/B.
0.5 course: Actuarial Science 2553A/B.
3.0 courses: Financial Modelling 2555A/B (or the former Actuarial Science 2555A/B), Financial Modelling 2557A/B (or the former Actuarial Science 2557A/B), Financial Modelling 3520A/B (or the former Statistical Sciences 3520A/B), Financial Modelling 3613A/B, Financial Modelling 3817A/B*, Financial Modelling 4521A/B (or the former Statistical Sciences 4521F/G).
2.0 courses: Calculus 2402A/B, Applied Mathematics 2811B, Applied Mathematics 2814F/G, Applied Mathematics 3815A/B.
0.5 course from: Applied Mathematics 4613A/B** or Applied Mathematics 4617A/B*, Applied Mathematics 4999Z, Data Science 3000A/B, Financial Modelling 4998F/G/Z, Statistical Sciences 4864A/B, Statistical Sciences 4960F/G, Statistical Sciences 4999F/G/Z, or Actuarial Science 4997F/G/Z; the former Applied Mathematics 3611F/G.
Calculus 2402A/B may be replaced by either (Calculus 2502A/B and Calculus 2503A/B) or (Calculus 2502A/B and Mathematics 2122A/B or the former Mathematics 2123A/B). When such a replacement occurs, the module will include 10.0 courses.
* May be offered only in odd-numbered academic years.
** May be offered only in even-numbered academic years.