Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025

Western Main Campus

Specialization SPECIALIZATION IN MATERIALS SCIENCE - admission discontinued
Faculty of Science - Physics and Astronomy

Admission to this module is discontinued effective September 1, 2022. Students enrolled in the module will be permitted to graduate upon fulfillment of the module requirements by August 31, 2026.

Admission Requirements

Completion of first-year requirements including the following 3.0 courses, each with a mark of at least 60%:

1.0 course from: (Physics 1201A/B, Physics 1401A/B, Physics 1501A/B, the former Physics 1301A/B or 80% in the former Physics 1028A/B) and (Physics 1202A/B, Physics 1402A/B, Physics 1502A/B, the former Physics 1302A/B or 80% in the former Physics 1029A/B).
1.0 course: (Calculus 1000A/B or Calculus 1500A/B or Numerical and Mathematical Methods 1412A/B) and (Calculus 1301A/B or Calculus 1501A/B or Numerical and Mathematical Methods 1414A/B); or the former Applied Mathematics 1413 or the former Applied Mathematics 1412A/B and the former Applied Mathematics 1414A/B.

Module/Program Information

9.0 courses:

1.0 course: Physics 2810A/B or the former Materials Science 2810A/B and 0.5 course from Physics 2101A/B, Physics 2102A/B, Physics 2110A/B, Physics 2910F/G; or the former Physics 2800 or the former Materials Science 2800.
1.0 course from: Calculus 2302A/B, Calculus 2303A/B, Calculus 2502A/B, Calculus 2503A/B.
2.5 courses: Chemistry 2213A/B, Chemistry 2214A/B, Chemistry 2271A, Chemistry 2281G, Chemistry 3364A/B.
1.5courses: Earth Sciences 2206A/B, Earth Sciences 3310A/B, Earth Sciences 4424A/B.
2.0 courses: Physics 3380A/B, Physics 4810A/B, Physics 4850A/B, the former Physics 3809A/B.
1.0 course from: Applied Mathematics 2402A or the former Differential Equations 2402A, Applied Mathematics 3815A/B, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering 4421A/B, Chemistry 2272F, Chemistry 2283G, Chemistry 2384B, Chemistry 3320A/B, Chemistry 3371F, Chemistry 3372F/G, Chemistry 3373F, Chemistry 4481A/B, Earth Sciences 2230A/B, Earth Sciences 3321A/B, Physics 2101A/B, Physics 2102A/B, Physics 2110A/B, Physics 2910F/G, Physics 3200A/B, Physics 3400A/B, Physics 3900F/G/Z, Physics 3926F/G, Physics 4251A/B, the former Applied Mathematics 3129A/B, the former Physics 2900E.

Note: The above courses may have prerequisites that are not included in the module.