Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025

Western Main Campus

Faculty of Health Sciences - Kinesiology, School of

For students admitted to the Major in Kinesiology in September 2022 and prior, please refer to the 2021 Academic Calendar.

Admission Requirements

Completion of first year requirements with no course grade less than 60% and with an average of at least 70%.

Students must achieve an average of 70% in the following 3.0 principal courses, with no mark less than 60%:

Note: The Bachelor degree in Kinesiology is a limited enrollment program. More competitive academic standing may be required when demand exceeds enrollment capacity. Admission to the module is restricted to students registered in the School of Kinesiology.

Module/Program Information

7.0 courses:

1.0 course: Kinesiology 2230A/B, Kinesiology 2241A/B (must be taken in second year).
1.0 course from: Kinesiology 2900-2999 (must be taken in second year).
0.5 course: Kinesiology 2032A/B (must be taken in second year).
0.5 course: Kinesiology 3032A/B.
1.0 course from: Kinesiology 2250A/B, Kinesiology 2263F/G, Kinesiology 2276F/G, Kinesiology 2292F/G, Kinesiology 2298A/B, Kinesiology 3362F/G, Kinesiology 3388A/B, Kinesiology 3398F/G, Kinesiology 3399F/G, Kinesiology 3463F/G, Kinesiology 3476F/G, Kinesiology 3490F/G, Dance 2270A/B, Dance 3371A/B, Dance 3372A/B.
1.0 course from: Kinesiology 2236A/B, Kinesiology 2250A/B, Kinesiology 2263F/G, Kinesiology 2276F/G, Kinesiology 2292F/G, Kinesiology 2298A/B, Dance 2270A/B. (not previously selected)
2.0 additional Kinesiology courses at the 2000-level or above (a maximum of 1.0 may be from Kinesiology 2900-2999).

For module planning guide go to the School of Kinesiology website:

Note: A maximum of 10.5 Kinesiology credits may be taken in this degree.