Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025

Western Main Campus

Honours Specialization HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN MEDICAL BIOPHYSICS (Clinical Physics Concentration)* - admission discontinued
Faculty of Science/Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry; including BMSc and Neuroscience - Medical Biophysics

Admission to this module is discontinued effective September 1, 2025. Students currently enrolled in the module will be permitted to graduate upon fulfilment of the module requirements by August 31, 2028.

This module leads to an Honours Bachelor of Medical Sciences (BMSc) degree. See BACHELOR OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (BMSc) PROGRAM for more information.

Admission Requirements

Admission to this Honours Specialization module occurs in Year 3 and requires admission to Year 3 of the Bachelor of Medical Sciences (BMSc) Program. Students will usually complete MEDICAL SCIENCES FIRST ENTRY (Medical Sciences 1 and 2) prior to admission to the Honours Specialization module. Enrolment in this Honours Specialization module is limited and meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

The 1000-level half courses listed below must each be completed with a mark of at least 60%:

1.0 courses: Biology 1001A* and Biology 1002B*.
1.0 courses: Chemistry 1301A/B and Chemistry 1302A/B.
0.5 course from: Calculus 1000A/B or Calculus 1500A/B.
0.5 course from: Calculus 1301A/B or Calculus 1501A/B.
0.5 course from: Physics 1201A/B, Physics 1501A/B, the former Physics 1028A/B, the former Physics 1301A/B; a minimum mark of 80% is required in the former Physics 1028A/B, if taken.
0.5 course from: Physics 1202A/B, Physics 1502A/B, the former Physics 1029A/B, the former Physics 1302A/B; a minimum mark of 80% is required in the former Physics 1029A/B, if taken.

* Biology 1201A with a mark of at least 70% may be used in place of Biology 1001A, and Biology 1202B with a mark of at least 70% may be used in place of Biology 1002B.

The courses below must be completed with a minimum mark of 60% in each prior to admission to the Honours Specialization module in Year 3. These courses will also be used towards the Module requirements. See ADMISSION TO THE BACHELOR OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (BMSc) PROGRAM for additional average, course load requirements, etc. and MODULES OFFERED IN THE BMSc PROGRAM for specific information about Honours Specialization modules, including the Weighted Average Chart.

0.5 course from: Calculus 2302A/B, Calculus 2502A/B.
0.5 course from: Calculus 2303A/B, Calculus 2503A/B.
0.5 course: Mathematics 1600A/B.
1.5 courses: Physics 2101A/B, Physics 2102A/B, Physics 2110A/B.

Note: students are encouraged to take Medical Biophysics 2500A/B in second year if they want an introduction to the discipline of Medical Biophysics or are interested in learning how biophysics concepts are applied in translational health research.

Module/Program Information

11.5 courses:

0.5 course from: Calculus 2302A/B, Calculus 2502A/B.
0.5 course from: Calculus 2303A/B, Calculus 2503A/B.
0.5 course: Mathematics 1600A/B.
1.5 courses: Physics 2101A/B, Physics 2102A/B, Physics 2110A/B.
1.0 course from: Physiology 2130 or Physiology 3120 or Physiology and Pharmacology 2000.
3.0 courses: Medical Biophysics 3330F/G, Medical Biophysics 3501A, Medical Biophysics 3503G, Medical Biophysics 3505F, Medical Biophysics 3507G, Medical Biophysics 3970Z.
2.0 courses from: Physics 3151A/B, Physics 3200A/B, Physics 3300A/B, Physics 3380A/B, Physics 3400A/B.
1.0 course from: Medical Biophysics 4467A/B, Medical Biophysics 4475A/B, Medical Biophysics 4710A/B.
1.5 courses: Medical Biophysics 4971E. (Research Project = 1.5 courses)

Note: see the Weighted Average Chart (MODULES OFFERED IN THE BMSc PROGRAM) for information about admission to the Honours Specialization modules in Year 4, including which modular courses must be completed prior to Year 4.