Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025


Religious Studies

Admission Requirements

Completion of first-year requirements.  It is recommended that students in first year take a first-year History course and a language course in one of Arabic, Persian or Hebrew.

Module/Program Information

7.0 courses:

2.0 courses: History 2606E, Religious Studies 2285F/G, Religious Studies 2286F/G.
0.5 course from: Religious Studies 2345F/G, Religious Studies 2346F/G, Religious Studies 2500F/G.
1.0 course from: Arabic 1030, Arabic 2250, Arabic 3260A/B, Arabic 3300; Hebrew 1030, Hebrew 1040A/B, Hebrew 1041A/B, Hebrew 2200, Hebrew 2240A/B, Hebrew 2241A/B*; Persian 1030, Persian 1035, Persian 2200.
2.0 courses: 1.0 course each from any two of the following three areas:

1) Religion and Philosophy: Philosophy 2205W/X, Philosophy 2665F/G, Philosophy 2667F/G, Philosophy 2668F/G; Religious Studies 2114A/B, Religious Studies 2204F/G, Religious Studies 2213F/G, Religious Studies 2262F/G, Religious Studies 2347F/G, Religious Studies 2501F/G, Religious Studies 2503F/G, the former Philosophy 4674F/G, the former Philosophy 4675F/G, the former Philosophy 4676F/G, the former Religious Studies 2219A/B.
2) History and Politics: History 2607F/G, History 3605E, History 3691E; Political Science 3329F/G, Political Science 4409F/G, the former History 2809E, the former History 3608F/G, the former Political Science 4443E.
3) Literature and Culture: Anthropology 2219F/G; Arabic 2250*, Arabic 3260A/B*, Arabic 3300*; Hebrew 2200*, Hebrew 2240A/B*, Hebrew 2241A/B*; Religious Studies 2502F/G, Religious Studies 2504F/G.

1.5 courses from any of the following not taken above , with no more than 1.0 course from any one discipline: Anthropology 2219A/B, Arabic 2250*, Arabic 3260A/B, Arabic 3300*, Hebrew 2200*, Hebrew 2240A/B*, Hebrew 2241A/B*; History 2607F/G, History 2608F/G, History 3605E, History 3691E**; Philosophy 2205W/X, Philosophy 2665F/G, Philosophy 2667F/G, Philosophy 2668F/G; Political Science 3329F/G, Political Science 4409F/G, Religious Studies 2114A/B, Religious Studies 2204F/G, Religious Studies 2213F/G, Religious Studies 2219A/B, Religious Studies 2262F/G, Religious Studies 2347F/G, Religious Studies 2420A/B, Religious Studies 2501F/G, Religious Studies 2502F/G, Religious Studies 2503F/G, Religious Studies 2504F/G, Religious Studies 2506F/G, Religious Studies 2620F/G, Religious Studies 3130F/G, Religious Studies 3131A/B; the former History 2809E, the former History 3608F/G; the former Philosophy 4674F/G, the former Philosophy 4675F/G, the former Philosophy 4676F/G, the former Political Science 4443E.

At least 1.0 of the courses taken to fulfill the options in Religion and Philosophy, History and Politics or Literature and Culture must be at the 3000 level or above**

Note: Some courses in this module may require prerequisites; students are advised to check course prerequisites carefully.
* Any 2000 level course or above taken in Arabic or Hebrew beyond the 1.0 required to fulfill the Language category may be used to fulfill the Literature and Culture requirement
** The History Department will maintain a list of special topics courses that can fulfill the requirements for this module.

Rules Governing Course Overlaps for the Middle East Studies Major

Upon request a maximum of 1.0 course credit may be allowed towards fulfilling the requirements of the Middle East Studies Major for courses taken at the 2000 level or above, if the course is eligible for credit under the rules of the Middle East Studies Major, even if the course has been credited towards a different module. Please note that this does not lower the total number of courses needed to meet graduation requirements.