Academic Calendar - 2020 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2020ARCHIVE


Diploma DIPLOMA IN CHILDHOOD AND ADVOCACY - admission discontinued
Childhood and Social Institutions

Admission to this diploma is discontinued effective September 1, 2020. Students enrolled in the diploma will be allowed to graduate until August 31, 2022, upon fulfillment of the program requirements.

Designed for students already possessing an undergraduate degree, the Diploma in Childhood and Advocacy provides students with the conceptual background and specific knowledge to contribute to the planning, adoption and implementation of childhood advocacy initiatives. All Diploma courses may be credited towards other undergraduate programs. A student who does not yet possess a university degree may apply for admission to the Certificate in Childhood and Advocacy. The Certificate can be taken concurrently with an undergraduate degree.

Admission Requirements

Possession of an undergraduate university degree. This is a limited enrolment program and meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission.

Module/Program Information