Academic Calendar - 2021 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2021ARCHIVE

Western Main Campus

Specialization SPECIALIZATION IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION - admission discontinued
Faculty of Social Science - DAN Management & Organizational Studies

Admission to this module is discontinued effective September 1, 2019. Students enrolled in the module will be allowed to graduate until August 31, 2023, upon fulfillment of the module requirements.

Admission Requirements

5.0 first-year courses:

1.0 course: MOS 1021A/B and MOS 1023A/B
1.0 course from: Calculus 1000A/B, Calculus 1301A/B, Calculus 1500A/B, Calculus 1501A/B; Mathematics 1225A/B, Mathematics 1228A/B, Mathematics 1229A/B, Mathematics 1600A/B
1.0 course: Political Science 1020E
1.0 course numbered 1000-1999 from: Economics, Psychology or Sociology
1.0 course numbered 1000-1999

Students enrolled in BMOS in Year 1 on Main Campus may apply to a Specialization if they maintain a minimum cumulative average of 65%.

Note: After first year, Affiliated University College students require the completion of 5.0 courses with an overall cumulative average of 70%.

After first, second or third year, to enter a BMOS SPECIALIZATION students must have

a) achieved an overall average of 70% on the last 5.0 courses;
b) Main Campus Students: a minimum cumulative average of 65%, or
Affiliated College Students: a minimum cumulative average of 70%.

Module/Program Information

9.0 courses:

1.0 course: Business Administration 2257.
1.0 course: MOS 2181A/B, MOS 2275A/B.
3.0 course: Political Science 2211E, Political Science 2230E, Political Science 2246E.
1.0 course from: MOS 2242A/B and 0.5 MOS 2000-level or above; Psychology 2820E; Sociology 2205A/B and Sociology 2206A/B; Statistical Sciences 2035.
1.5 courses from: MOS 3280F/G, MOS 3342A/B, MOS 3343A/B, MOS 3344A/B, MOS 3352F/G, MOS 3355F/G, MOS 3356F/G, MOS 3370A/B, MOS 3383A/B, MOS 3384A/B, MOS 4471A/B, MOS 4485F/G; Economics 2150A/B, Economics 2152A/B, Economics 2160A/B.
0.5 course from: Political Science 3317F/G, Political Science 3331F/G, Political Science 3332F/G, Political Science 3363F/G.
0.5 course: MOS 4410A/B.
0.5 course from: Political Science 4000-level*.

* Note: Many 4000-level Political Science courses have prerequisites. Students should take this into consideration when choosing their courses.

This module may not be combined with a Major in Political Science or Diploma in Public Administration.


Progression Requirements

To remain in a BMOS SPECIALIZATION students must have

a) maintained a minimum cumulative average of 65%

In order to be readmitted to a BMOS Specialization students must complete an additional 5.0 courses in another discipline and must meet the Admission Requirements.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate from the BMOS SPECIALIZATION, students must achieve a minimum cumulative average of 65% on the 20.0 courses counted towards the BMOS SPECIALIZATION Degree. Students with advanced standing must achieve an overall average of 65% on courses completed at Western.

All students require 2.0 designated essay courses (E, F or G; at least 1.0 of which must be a senior course numbered 2000-4999) and 1.0 course from each of the Categories A, B and C.