Academic Calendar - 2020 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2020ARCHIVE

Western Main Campus

Faculty of Social Science - DAN Management & Organizational Studies

Admission Requirements

5.0 first -year courses:

1.0 course: MOS 1021A/B and MOS 1023A/B;
1.0 course from: Calculus 1000A/B, Calculus 1301A/B, Calculus 1500A/B, Calculus 1501A/B; Mathematics 1225A/B, Mathematics 1228A/B, Mathematics 1229A/B, Mathematics 1600A/B;
1.0 course : Economics 1021A/B and Economics 1022A/B;
1.0 course numbered 1000 -1999 from: Anthropology, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Women's Studies numbered 1000- 1999;
1.0 course: numbered 1000- 1999.

Students enrolled in BMOS in Year 1 on Main Campus may apply to a Specialization if they maintain a minim um cumulative average of 65% in these courses.

Note: After first year, Affiliated University College students require the completion of 5.0 courses with an overall cumulative average of 70%.

After first, second or third year, to enter a BMOS SPECIALIZATION students must have:

a) achieved an overall average of 70% on the last 5.0 courses;
b) Main Campus Students: a minimum cumulative average of 65%, or
Affiliated College Students: a minimum cumulative average of 70%.

Module/Program Information

10.0 courses:

1.0 course: Business Administration 2257.
1.0 course from: MOS 2242A/B and 0.5 MOS 2000- level or above; or Economics 2122A/B and Economics 2123A/B; or Psychology 2820E; or Sociology 2205A/B and Sociology 2206A/B; or Statistical Sciences 2035.
0.5 course: Law 2201A/B.
2.0 courses: MOS 2181A/B, MOS 2275A/B, MOS 2310A/B *, MOS 3475A/B.
1.0 course: Economics 2150A/B, Economics 2176A/B.
1.0 course: Political Science 2246E.
1.0 course from: MOS 2277A/B, MOS 2320A/B *, MOS 3325A/B, MOS 3330A/B, MOS 3344A/B, MOS 3360A/B, MOS 3362A/B, MOS 3367A/B, MOS 3370A/B, MOS 3384A/B.
1.5 courses from: MOS 3352F/G, MOS 4467A/B, MOS 4468A/B, MOS 4469A/B.
1.0 course: MOS 4375A/B, MOS 4410A/B.

Note: *Students interested in pursuing an HBA Degree at the Richard Ivey School of Business must defer MOS 2310A/B and MOS 2320A/B until Year 3. These two courses will not count towards the 10.0 credits required for admission to the HBA Program and are discouraged for those students continuing on to the R ichard Ivey School of Business. Students continuing in MOS must complete MOS 2310A/B and MOS 2320A/B in Year 3 prior to enrolling in MOS courses for which these courses are the prerequisite.


Progression Requirements

To remain in a BMOS SPECIALIZATION students must maintain a minimum cumulative average of 65%. In order to be readmitted to a BMOS Specialization students must complete an additional 5.0 courses in another discipline and must meet the Admission Requirements.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate from the BMOS SPECIALIZATION, students must achieve a minimum cumulative average of 65% on the 20.0 courses counted towards the BMOS SPECIALIZATION Degree. Students with advanced standing must achieve an overall average of 65% on courses completed at Western. All students require 2.0 designated essay courses (E, F or G; at least 1.0 of which must be a senior course numbered 2000- 4999) and 1.0 course from each of the Categories A, B and C.