This module is designed to meet the minimum geoscience knowledge requirements for Professional Registration as a licensed geoscientist in Canada, as set by the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (APGO) and the Canadian Council of Professional Geoscientists (CCPG).
11.0 courses:
6.0 courses: Earth Sciences 2200A/B, Earth Sciences 2201A/B, Earth Sciences 2206A/B, Earth Sciences 2220A/B, Earth Sciences 2222A/B, Earth Sciences 2230A/B, Earth Sciences 2250Y, Earth Sciences 2260A/B, Earth Sciences 3320A/B, Earth Sciences 3321A/B, Earth Sciences 4420A/B, Earth Sciences 4423A/B.
1.0 course from: Earth Sciences 2123F/G, Earth Sciences 3340A/B, Earth Sciences 3372A/B, Earth Sciences 4421A/B, Earth Sciences 4432A/B, Earth Sciences 4440A/B, Earth Sciences 4462A/B, Earth Sciences 4472A/B, Geography 2220A/B, Geography 2330A/B.
0.5 course: Earth Sciences 4451Z.
0.5 course from: Calculus 2302A/B, Calculus 2502A/B.
1.0 course: Physics 2110A/B, Physics 2910F/G.
1.0 course: Earth Sciences 4490E.
1.0 additional course (not already taken above): Applied Mathematics 1201A/B, Biology 1001A, Biology 1002B, Biology 1201A, Biology 1202B, Chemistry 1302A/B, Computer Science 1025A/B, Computer Science 1026A/B, Computer Science 1027A/B, Mathematics 1228A/B, Mathematics 1229A/B, Mathematics 1600A/B or Numerical and Mathematical Methods 1411A/B or the former Applied Mathematics 1411A/B, Statistical Sciences 1023A/B, Data Science 1000A/B, Geography 2210A/B, the former Statistical Sciences 1024A/B.