Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025

Western Main Campus

Faculty of Social Science - Geography and Environment

Admission Requirements

Completion of first-year requirements.

Module/Program Information

3.0 courses:

0.5 or 1.0* course from: Geography 2210A/B or any university-level statistics course at the 2000 level or above* (normally taken in Year 2).
1.5 courses from: Geography 2220A/B, Geography 2230A/B, Geography 3222A/B.
1.0 course from: Geography 3210A/B, Geography 3211A/B, Geography 3224A/B, Geography 3225A/B, Geography 3226A/B, Geography 3231A/B, Geography 4220A/B, the former Geography 3223A/B.

*If a 1.0 course is taken, the module will consist of 3.5 courses.

Note: Students may pursue the Certificate in Geographic Information Science concurrently with other programs in Geography. All of the Geography courses in the Certificate program can count towards other undergraduate programs. Students who have successfully completed the majority of the courses for this Certificate prior to graduation may complete requirements post-degree.


Progression and Graduation Requirements

Students are invited to seek counselling from the Department on their choice of courses. To progress in and to complete the Certificate program, students must achieve and maintain a minimum average of 60% in the required courses.