Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025

Western Main Campus

Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Module/Program Information

The Arts and Humanities Internship Program (AHIP) aims to provide short-term (120 hours, typically worked over a four-month period) practical learning experiences to students in the Arts and Humanities. To pursue the work term, students must be in at least their third year and be registered in an Honours Specialization, Specialization, or Major in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Admission to the program does not guarantee an internship placement. 

Admission Requirements

To be eligible for admission to the AHIP, students must be in at least their second year of study (they must have successfully completed at least 5.0 courses at Western) and be registered in an Honours Specialization, Specialization, or Major in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, with a cumulative average of at least 70% and no failures. They must not have any academic offenses. Students must be in at least third year to undertake the internship.

Students interested in the AHIP should apply through Western Connect (

Students admitted to the program will be registered in the preparatory internship course Arts and Humanities 3000A/B/Y and, prior to their work term, must successfully complete the required workshops designed to help students prepare for a practical professional learning experience. A grade of pass/fail will be assigned for Arts and Humanities 3000A/B/Y upon completion of an internship. Students who are successful in securing an internship will normally be required to pay an administrative fee and will receive 0.50 credit once the program is complete. Students who are unsuccessful in securing a placement will be withdrawn from Arts and Humanities 3000A/B/Y without penalty and will not be liable for the Arts and Humanities 3001A/B administrative fee. Admission to the program does not guarantee that a placement will be found.

Students will be registered in Arts and Humanities 3001A/B (0.0 credit course) during an internship work term. During and at the end of the work term, students must complete related assignments.

International students who meet the requirements to participate in the program must secure a valid co-op work permit before commencing their work term and should connect with Western International for guidance around applying for this permit.