Academic Calendar - 2020 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2020ARCHIVE


The Honours Specialization, Specialization and Double Major modules that lead to graduation with BMSc degrees are collectively referred to as the BMSc Program.

Honors Specialization Modules:

Admission to the BMSc Program does not guarantee admission to a particular Honours Specialization module as each of these modules has a limited capacity.

Year 3:
Once admitted to Year 3 of the BMSc Program [see ADMISSION TO THE BACHELOR OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (BMSc) PROGRAM], admission to each Honours Specialization module requires completion of ALL of the courses listed in the Admission Requirements for the Honours Specialization module to which the student applies and is based on the average obtained on ALL the 2000-level courses listed in the Admission Requirements. If the Admission Requirements list 3.5 or more 2000-level courses, admission is based on the average obtained on the best 3.0 of these 2000-level courses. A minimum mark of 60% must be achieved in any additional modular course(s) completed.

Students satisfying the conditions for assured admission to Year 3 of the BMSc Program from MEDICAL SCIENCES FIRST ENTRY (Medical Sciences 2) will receive priority placement in the Honours Specialization modules in Year 3. Once these students have been adjudicated into the Honours Specialization modules, students admitted to Year 3 of the BMSc Program from the competitive pool will be adjudicated into the remaining spaces in the Honors Specialization modules.

Year 4:
Admission to an Honours Specialization module in Year 4 requires a minimum Weighted Average of 75% and completion of ALL of the courses indicated in the Weighted Average Chart below. Admission is not guaranteed as each of these modules has a limited capacity. Any student in Year 3 BMSc with the appropriate courses can apply for admission to Year 4 of any Honours Specialization module.


Honours Specialization Module

Modular courses responsible for 1/3 of the Weighted Average

Modular courses responsible for 2/3 of the Weighted Average


3.5 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2581A/B; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B; Chemistry 2213A/B or Chemistry 2273A; Chemistry 2223B or Chemistry 2283G;

1.0 course from Biology 2382A/B, Biology 2290F/G, Chemistry 2211A/B, Chemistry 2214A/B, Chemistry 2374A, Chemistry 2384B.

2.0 courses:

Biochemistry 3380G, Biochemistry 3381A, Biochemistry 3382A and Biochemistry 3390B.

Biochemistry and Cancer Biology

3.5 or 4.0 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2382A/B and Biology 2581A/B; Chemistry 2213A/B or Chemistry 2273A; Chemistry 2223B or Chemistry 2283G; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B;

Microbiology and Immunology 2500A/B, the former Medical Biophysics 2582B.

3.5 or 4.0 or 4.5 courses:

Biochemistry 3381A; Pharmacology 3620; Anatomy and Cell Biology 3309 or Pathology 3500 (or the former Pathology 3240A and the former Pathology 3245B); one of Biochemistry 3382A, Chemistry 3393A/B or Microbiology and Immunology 3300B; one of Biochemistry 3380G, Microbiology and Immunology 3620G, Physiology and Pharmacology 3000E, or the former Pharmacology 3580Z; and Medical Biophysics 3518B if the former Medical Biophysics 2582B was not completed.

Note: If Physiology and Pharmacology 3000E is selected instead of one of the laboratory half courses, then 4.0 courses will be used toward the Weighted Average.

Biochemistry and Cell Biology

3.5 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2581A/B, Biology 2382A/B and Biology 2290F/G; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B; Chemistry 2213A/B or Chemistry 2273A; Chemistry 2223B or Chemistry 2283G.

3.5 or 4.0 courses*:

Biochemistry 3380G, Biochemistry 3381A and Biochemistry 3382A; Biology 3316A/B or Physiology 3140A; Biology 3326F/G; Anatomy and Cell Biology 3309; Anatomy and Cell Biology 3329A/B.

* Students requesting registration for year 4 for September 2021 and onward will require a total of 4.0 courses.

Biochemistry and Pathology of Human Disease

3.5 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2382A/B; Biology 2581A/B; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B; Chemistry 2213A/B or Chemistry 2273A; Chemistry 2223B or Chemistry 2283G; 0.5 course from Biology 2290F/G, Chemistry 2211A/B, Chemistry 2214A/B, Chemistry 2374A, Chemistry 2384B, Microbiology and Immunology 2500A/B.

3.5 courses:

Biochemistry 3381A, Biochemistry 3382A, Biochemistry 3385A, Biochemistry 3386B, Biochemistry 3380G; Pathology 3500 or the former Pathology 3240A and the former Pathology 3245B

Biochemistry of Infection and Immunity

3.5 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2581A/B, Biology 2382A/B and Biology 2290F/G; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B; Chemistry 2213A/B or Chemistry 2273A; Chemistry 2223B or Chemistry 2283G.

3.0 courses:

One of Biochemistry 3380G, Microbiology and Immunology 3610F or Microbiology and Immunology 3620G; Biochemistry 3381A and Biochemistry 3382A; Microbiology and Immunology 2500A/B, Microbiology and Immunology 3100A, Microbiology and Immunology 3300B

Chemical Biology

4.5 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2581A/B; Chemistry 2271A, Chemistry 2272F, Chemistry 2273A, Chemistry 2281G, Chemistry 2283G, Chemistry 2374A and Chemistry 2384B

3.0 courses:

Biochemistry 3380G, Biochemistry 3381A, Biochemistry 3382A, Biochemistry 3390B; 1.0 course from Chemistry 3371F, Chemistry 3372F/G, Chemistry 3373F or Chemistry 3374A/B.

Computational Biochemistry

3.5 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2581A/B; Chemistry 2213A/B or Chemistry 2273A; Chemistry 2223B or Chemistry 2283G; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B; Computer Science 1025A/B or Computer Science 1026A/B; Computer Science 1027A/B.

3.0 courses:

Biochemistry 3381A and Biochemistry 3382A, Biochemistry 3383F/G, Biochemistry 3390B; Computer Science 2210A/B and Computer Science 2211A/B.

Epidemiology and Biostatistics

3.5 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2581A/B, Biology 2382A/B and Biology 2290F/G; Chemistry 2213A/B; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B; Epidemiology 2200A/B or the former Epidemiology and Biostatistics 2200A/B, the former Epidemiology and Biostatistics 3330B.

2.0 courses:

Biostatistics 3100A and Biostatistics 3110B; Epidemiology 3200A and Epidemiology 3210B.

IMS (Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences)

3.0 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2581A/B, Biology 2382A/B and Biology 2290F/G; Chemistry 2213A/B or Chemistry 2273A; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B.

3.0 or 3.5* courses:

2.0 courses from Group 1;
0.5 course from either Group 1 or 2;
0.5 course from Group 3 (*if, however, Physiology and Pharmacology 3000E is selected for the Group 3 requirement, then the number of courses used toward the Weighted Average becomes 3.5 courses).

See Weighted Averages on the IMS website for more details.

Medical Biophysics (Medical Sciences Concentration)

3.0 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Chemistry 2213A/B; Physics 2101A/B and Physics 2102A/B or Physiology 2130 or Physiology 3120; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B; Computer Science 2035A/B.

3.5 courses:

Medical Biophysics 3330F/G, Medical Biophysics 3501A, Medical Biophysics 3503G, Medical Biophysics 3505F, Medical Biophysics 3507G, Medical Biophysics 3645A/B and Medical Biophysics 3970Z.

Medical Biophysics (Clinical Physics Concentration)

2.5 courses:

Calculus 2302A/B or Calculus 2502A/B; Calculus 2303A/B or Calculus 2503A/B; Physics 2101A/B, Physics 2102A/B and Physics 2110A/B.

3.0 courses:

Medical Biophysics 3330F/G, Medical Biophysics 3501A, Medical Biophysics 3503G, Medical Biophysics 3505F, Medical Biophysics 3507G, Medical Biophysics 3970Z

Medical Biophysics and Biochemistry

3.0 or 3.5 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2581A/B; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B; Chemistry 2213A/B or Chemistry 2273A; Chemistry 2223B or Chemistry 2283G; Computer Science 2035A/B; the former Medical Biophysics 2582B.

2.5 or 3.0 courses:

Biochemistry 3381A and Biochemistry 3382A; Biochemistry 3380G or Medical Biophysics 3970Z; Medical Biophysics 3501A and Medical Biophysics 3507G; and Medical Biophysics 3518B if the former Medical Biophysics 2582B was not taken.

Medical Cell Biology

3.5 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2581A/B, Biology 2382A/B and Biology 2290F/G; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B; Chemistry 2213A/B or Chemistry 2273A; Chemistry 2223B or Chemistry 2283G.

3.0 or 3.5 courses*:

Anatomy and Cell Biology 3309; Anatomy and Cell Biology 3329A/B; Biochemistry 3381A and Biochemistry 3382A; Biology 3316A/B or Physiology 3140A; Biochemistry 3380G or Biology 3326F/G.

*Students requesting registration in Year 4 for September 2021 and onward will require a total of 3.5 courses.

Medical Health Informatics

3.5 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A;

1.0 course from Biology 2290F/G, Biology 2382A/B, Biology 2581A/B; Chemistry 2213A/B; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B; Computer Science 2120A/B and Computer Science 2121A/B.

3.0 courses:

Computer Science 3120A/B and Computer Science 3121A/B; Pathology 3500 or the former Pathology 3240A and the former Pathology 3245B; Physiology 3120.

Microbiology and Immunology

3.5 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2581A/B, Biology 2382A/B and Biology 2290F/G; Chemistry 2213A/B and Chemistry 2223B; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B.

3.0 courses:

Biochemistry 3381A; Microbiology and Immunology 2500A/B, Microbiology and Immunology 3100A, Microbiology and Immunology 3300B, Microbiology and Immunology 3610F and Microbiology and Immunology 3620G.

Microbiology and Immunology with Pathology

3.5 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2581A/B, Biology 2382A/B and Biology 2290F/G; Chemistry 2213A/B and Chemistry 2223B; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B.

4.0 courses:

Biochemistry 3381A; Microbiology and Immunology 2500A/B, Microbiology and Immunology 3100A, Microbiology and Immunology 3300B, Microbiology and Immunology 3610F, Microbiology and Immunology 3620G; Pathology 3500 or the former Pathology 3240A and the former Pathology 3245B.

One Health

3.0 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2382A/B, Biology 2483A/B; Chemistry 2213A/B, Chemistry 2210A/B; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B.

4.0 courses:

Environmental Science 3300F/G;

One Health 3300A/B; One Health 3600A/B;

Pathology 3500 or the former Pathology 3240A and the former Pathology 3245B;

1.0 courses from: Anatomy and Cell Biology 2200A/B, Biology 3316A/B or Physiology 3140A, Epidemiology 2200A/B, Microbiology and Immunology 2500A/B, Pharmacology 3620, Physiology 3120; and the former Anatomy and Cell Biology 3319; and

0.5 course from Geography 3431A/B, Geography 3432A/B, Geography 3445F/G, Sociology 3308F/G.


2.5 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2382A/B; Biology 2290F/G or Biology 2581A/B; Chemistry 2213A/B; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B.

4.0 courses:

1.0 course from Anatomy and Cell Biology 3309 or (Anatomy and Cell Biology 2200A/B and one of Anatomy and Cell Biology 3200A/B or Microbiology and Immunology 2500A/B) or the former Anatomy and Cell Biology 3319; Pathology 3500 or the former Pathology 3240A and the former Pathology 3245B; Pharmacology 3620; Physiology 3120.


3.0 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2581A/B, Biology 2382A/B and Biology 2290F/G; Chemistry 2213A/B; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B.

3.5 courses:

Pharmacology 3620; Physiology 3120 and Physiology 3140A; Physiology and Pharmacology 3000E.


3.0 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2581A/B, Biology 2382A/B and Biology 2290F/G; Chemistry 2213A/B; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B.

2.5 courses:

Physiology 3120 and Physiology 3140A; Physiology and Pharmacology 3000E.

Physiology and Pharmacology

3.0 courses:

Biochemistry 2280A; Biology 2581A/B, Biology 2382A/B and Biology 2290F/G; Chemistry 2213A/B; Biology 2244A/B or Statistical Sciences 2244A/B.

3.5 courses:

Pharmacology 3620; Physiology 3120 and Physiology 3140A; Physiology and Pharmacology 3000E.


1. Some courses in the Weighted Average Chart include a mark/average requirement in their prerequisite(s). See UNDERGRADUATE COURSE INFORMATION.

2. Information about the maximum capacity of each Honours Specialization module and the minimum Weighted Average required for admission to each Honours Specialization module will be made available on the BMSc website:

Double Majors:

Students admitted to Year 3 of the BMSc Program [see ADMISSION TO THE BACHELOR OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (BMSc) PROGRAM] are eligible to register in Double Major modules provided they have completed all of the 2000-level courses listed in the Admission Requirements for both Major modules and have the prerequisites to register in the 3000-level courses required in the module (some 3000-level courses include mark/average requirements in their prerequisites). A minimum mark of 60% must be achieved in any additional modular course(s) completed. For more information about completing the 2000-level Admission Requirements for each Major + Major combination available in the BMSc Program, see the BMSc website.

Specialization Modules:

Students admitted to Year 3 of the BMSc Program [see ADMISSION TO THE BACHELOR OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (BMSc) PROGRAM] are eligible to register in Specialization modules provided they have completed all of the 2000-level courses listed in the Admission Requirements for the Specialization module and have the prerequisites to register in the 3000-level courses required in the module (some 3000-level courses include mark/average requirements in their prerequisites). A minimum mark of 60% must be achieved in any additional modular course(s) completed.