Academic Calendar - 2018 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2018ARCHIVE

Policy Categories

Academic Rights and Responsibilities
Degree Requirements and Graduation
Examinations and Grading

Academic Rights and Responsibilities


The Responsibility of the Student

"Western is dedicated to the advancement of learning ... and ... seeks to provide an environment of free and creative enquiry.... As part of our commitment to excellence, we seek to recognize and remove the obstacles faced by traditionally under-represented groups in order to facilitate their access to and advancement at Western." (Leadership in Learning, pp.3, 4). The University also accepts that education is defined as a "service" under the Human Rights Code of Ontario (Section 1) which states that: "Every person has the right to equal treatment with respect to services, goods and facilities, without discrimination because of ... handicap." The University, therefore, recognizes its obligation to provide reasonable academic accommodation to students with disabilities where the accommodation can be implemented without compromising the academic integrity of the course or program. The provisions of this Policy do not apply if the University determines that the necessary pedagogical, human, physical or financial resources are not and cannot be made available to accommodate a particular disability.

In its efforts to accommodate disabilities appropriately, the approach adopted by the University is collaborative, involving the student requesting the accommodation, the instructor, department (or school or program where applicable), and/or Faculty which provides the accommodation, and Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) in the Student Development Centre which coordinates the request for and provision of accommodation.

The University also recognizes that the process of requesting, granting, and making arrangements for academic accommodation imposes certain responsibilities on all those involved.

The Responsibility of the Student: Students seeking accommodation must make timely, formal requests and provide relevant medical or psychological documentation sufficient to allow the University to determine whether they qualify for academic accommodation and what kind of accommodation might be required. Such requests must identify the courses for which accommodation is being sought and must be accompanied by (1) any available medical or psychological documentation of the diagnosed disability, (2) documentation of previous academic accommodation from the educational institutions that provided it and (3) any other information that SSD may give notice it requires. Students are also responsible for following SSD’s instructions relating to the implementation of an accommodation. Failure to provide the required documentation in a timely fashion or failure to follow SSD’s instructions may delay or prevent the implementation of an academic accommodation for a particular course.

In making formal requests to SSD, students are deemed to consent to the release, by SSD to individual faculty members, of information about the nature of their diagnosed disability. This information should be sufficient to enable faculty to engage in informed discussions with the student and SSD on the manner and extent to which the student’s needs, arising out of the diagnosed disability, can and should be accommodated. The student must also be prepared to work with SSD and the instructor in developing an appropriate accommodation.

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The Responsibility of the Instructor, Chair, Dean

The Responsibility of the Instructor, Chair, Dean: The decision whether to accept an accommodation suggested by SSD rests with the instructor in the first instance. The instructor, Chair or Dean may reject a suggested accommodation only if it would compromise the academic integrity of the course or program. All those involved in making the decision must recognize their obligation to accommodate where possible, and their obligation to respect both the privacy and dignity of the student, as well as the academic integrity of the programs.

It is the responsibility of the instructor to identify the essential academic requirements of the particular course or program so that the discussions are properly informed. Where possible, it is recommended that instructors provide SSD with a summary of these essential academic requirements prior to or at the beginning of classes. The instructor is responsible for working with SSD to determine the manner and extent to which the student’s needs, arising out of the diagnosed disability, can and should be accommodated. It is equally the responsibility of the instructor to question a suggested accommodation if the instructor believes it would compromise the academic integrity of the course or program. In such circumstances, instructors are encouraged to suggest alternative accommodations, where appropriate.

A reference to "Chair" throughout this document is to be interpreted:

For Faculties with Departmental Structure, as the Chair of the Department.
For the Faculty of Education, as the Program Chair.
For the Faculty of Health Sciences, as the Director of the relevant School.
For interdisciplinary undergraduate programs, i.e., Administrative & Commercial Studies, Environmental Studies, International & Comparative Studies, as the program director.
For graduate programs, as the Graduate Program Chair.

Note: For Faculties without Departmental structure not covered above, the levels are instructor and Dean.

A reference to "Dean" throughout this document is to be interpreted:

For all graduate programs, as the Dean of Graduate Studies.


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The Responsibility of Services for Students with Disabilities

The Responsibility of Services for Students with Disabilities: It is the role of SSD to provide information and advice to the University community concerning the provision of services to students with disabilities, including academic accommodation. SSD will receive documentation from students concerning their disabilities to be held in confidence. These documents may provide the basis for advice offered to instructors, departments or Faculties concerning the accommodation to be offered. It is the responsibility of SSD to satisfy itself that the student has an assessed disability and that the disability requires some form of accommodation. An accommodation suggested by SSD will be based on its determination of the student’s needs and on any course and program information provided to it. SSD shall provide sufficient information to the instructor, department, or Faculty about the nature of the student’s diagnosed disability and consequent needs to permit an informed discussion of the manner and extent to which those needs can and should be accommodated in light of the essential academic requirements of the course or program.

Faculty Advisors:
A panel of faculty advisors who are specialists in disabilities will be appointed by the Provost. These individuals shall serve as specialized consultants to the university community with respect to disability issues. Their role will be to provide advice on request to SSD or the instructor, concerning ways to accommodate a particular disability. The procedures for appointing the faculty advisors are as follows:

  1. In consultation with the relevant departments, the Provost will appoint a group of faculty advisors, chosen on the basis of their expertise in different disabilities. The areas of expertise shall include, but not be limited to: motor impairment; visual impairment; speech and hearing impairment; learning disabilities; psychological and psychiatric disorders.
  2. In the event that a specialist in a particular area is not available among the faculty of the University, the Provost may appoint an individual external to the University on an ad hoc basis.
  3. Faculty advisors will be appointed for a two-year term, renewable.



All material released by SSD shall be equally available to the student, instructor, Chair and Dean.

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In applying the policy, the following procedures will normally be followed:

1. Students who wish to be considered for formal academic accommodation on the grounds of disability should make their requests in writing to the Coordinator for Services for Students with Disabilities. The request must identify the courses for which accommodation is being sought and outline the nature of the disability. It must be accompanied by the documentation prescribed above (see Responsibility of the Student). In the absence of appropriate medical or psychological documentation, the student must arrange for assessment of the disability. SSD may assist with these arrangements but cannot guarantee the timely accommodation of students who make requests but have not been professionally assessed. Students should also, where possible, provide copies of the course outlines for the courses for which accommodation is being requested.

2. To ensure that SSD has sufficient time to review the requests and to make arrangements for academic accommodations, students should submit all required documentation to SSD by the following dates:

a. incoming first year or transfer students should submit all required documentation to SSD by August 1 or as soon as possible after they receive their offers of admission from the University;

b. returning upper-year students should submit all required documentation by August 1 or as soon as possible after registration;

c. students requesting accommodation for courses offered in Intersession, Distance Studies, Summer Day and Summer Evening Sessions, should submit all required documentation to SSD at least one month before the start of classes or as soon as possible after they receive their offers of admission;

d. graduate students should submit all required documentation to SSD as soon as possible after they receive their offers of admission from the University and accommodation requests for a particular term should be submitted to SSD, with all required documentation, at least one month before the start of a term.

Although exceptions based on individual circumstances will be considered, accommodation cannot be guaranteed in a given term for a student who has not made a timely request.

3. If SSD, after determining that a student has a disability requiring accommodation, proposes to recommend a form of accommodation to the instructor, it will make best efforts to contact the instructor (at minimum, by electronic mail) to discuss essential course or program requirements and possible accommodations, and to give the instructor the opportunity to discuss the appropriateness of the proposed accommodation. Where possible, SSD shall attempt to contact the instructor by the third week of classes in the fall and winter terms and by the end of the first week of classes in Intersession, distance studies, summer day and summer evening sessions. Following discussion with the instructor, or within two weeks of first attempting to contact the instructor where no discussion has yet occurred, SSD, if it remains of the view that accommodation is required, will send a letter to the instructor. The letter should contain (1) a statement as to the documentation on file with SSD; (2) a brief description of the nature of the student’s diagnosed disability and consequent needs; (3) a suggested accommodation. A copy of this letter will be sent to the Dean of the student’s home Faculty for information and SSD will make a copy available to the student.

4. The student is strongly encouraged to make contact with the instructor to discuss the proposed accommodation at this time. Both instructors and students should approach the question of accommodation as broadly as possible and look at all aspects of the course in considering the most appropriate accommodation.

5. An instructor who agrees with the suggested accommodation shall sign the request and return it to SSD within two days of its receipt.

6. An instructor who cannot agree to the suggested accommodation on the basis that it would compromise the academic integrity of the course or program, shall discuss the matter with the Chair. [Where there is no Chair or Director, as defined above, the instructor shall consult directly with SSD and if the parties are unable to agree, the instructor shall forward all relevant materials to the Dean within the time limits set out above.] If the Chair does not agree with the instructor, the accommodation shall be granted and the Chair shall so advise SSD and the student. Otherwise, the instructor and Chair shall consult directly with SSD within one week of the instructor’s receipt of the accommodation letter from SSD. This consultation may take the form of a meeting with the Coordinator for SSD and the student.

7. If the Chair agrees with the instructor that the suggested accommodation is not appropriate, and the Chair and SSD are unable to agree on an appropriate alternate accommodation at the consultation, the Chair shall forward copies of all correspondence between SSD and the instructor and Chair, and any other relevant material, to the Dean of the Faculty within one week of the consultation.

8. The Dean shall review the material and if the Dean does not agree that the suggested accommodation will compromise the academic integrity of the course or program in light of their essential requirements, the Dean shall notify SSD in writing within one week that the accommodation is to be granted, with a copy to the student, the instructor, the Chair, and the Dean of the student’s home Faculty. If the Dean agrees that the suggested accommodation will compromise the academic integrity of the course or program in light of their essential requirements, the Dean shall notify SSD in writing within one week that the accommodation is not to be granted, with a copy to the student, the instructor, and the Chair. The student may apply within two weeks of that decision to have an appeal against the decision heard by the Senate Review Board Academic. If additional information has been provided to the Dean by the student or SSD, the Dean shall provide a copy of such information to the instructor and to the Chair, and shall consult with the instructor and Chair before making his or her decision.

9. The Senate Review Board Academic shall follow the procedures set out under Senate policies "Student Academic Appeals" and "Appeals to SRBA", provided that in the case of a conflict between the regulations and procedures set out under those policies and this Policy, the regulations and procedures under this Policy shall prevail. To uphold a decanal refusal, the Senate Review Board Academic must be persuaded that the suggested accommodation or accommodations would compromise the academic integrity of the course or program in light of the essential requirements of that course or program.

If the Dean accepts the accommodation proposed by SSD, the instructor may appeal the decanal decision to the Provost, (or to the Principal in the case of an Affiliated University College). The Provost’s (or Principal’s) decision is final and not appealable to SRBA.

A copy of the final decision of the University shall be forwarded to the Dean of the student’s home Faculty.

10. Because the decisions regarding accommodation may affect a student’s progress in an ongoing course, they must be made expeditiously. In the meantime, the accommodation proposed by SSD (see # 3 above) shall be implemented from the date of the letter setting out the accommodation until a final decision has been made by the University (after the disposition of all appeals).

11. Where a student has been accommodated pending the final disposition of all appeals, and such disposition is that accommodation should not be granted, the grade received on any examination, test or assignment completed under the conditions of interim accommodation is to be nullified. Any such examination, test or assignment must then be re-administered without the interim accommodation. If readministration of such examination, test or assignment is not possible, an alternative means of fairly determining the student’s course mark must be devised by the instructor and communicated to the student.

12. Where appropriate, SSD will facilitate any special arrangements that need to be made regarding accommodations. In all accommodations involving exams, security procedures must be as stringent as for any other examination.

Faculty Handbook on the Implementation of the Policy on Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities see:

Academic Handbook, Rights and Responsibilities, Accommodation for Students with Diabilities




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To accommodate student participation in the Reserve Forces, Western will consider requests by student reservists seeking academic accommodation to meet their military service obligations.

The following are some of the academic accommodations that may be considered through the Deans’ offices:

1. Deferral of scheduled exams that conflict with military activities in which the student reservists participate during the academic term.

2. Postponement of scheduled assignments that conflict with military activities in which the student reservists participate during the academic term.

3. Short-term leaves of absence (two weeks or less) from their academic studies to perform military service.

4. Extended leaves of absence (one or more semesters) from their academic studies to perform military service with no effect on their existing admission status or course  accreditation.

5. Exemptions from financial and other penalties associated with leaves of absence, exam deferrals or assignment postponements noted above.


1. Requests from student reservists for academic accommodations normally should be submitted in writing in the form of a petition to the Dean’s office, and should be provided in sufficient time to allow proper review and consideration prior to the commencement of military activities.

2. The Dean’s Office will require confirmation from the student reservist’s Commanding Officer to substantiate a request for academic accommodation.


1. Student reservists are to submit requests for academic accommodation in writing to the appropriate Dean’s Office.

2. The Dean’s Office should inform the student reservists as soon as practical of their decision either to grant or refuse the request.


Academic Handbook, Rights and Responsibilities, Reserve Forces

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Registration in the University and the right to access the library, residences, specialized equipment and other University facilities implies a commitment on the part of a student to use such facilities in accordance with established rules.

In instances of misuse of University facilities and non-payment of prescribed tuition and other fees or fines, or of delinquency in the return or replacement of University property on loan, the University shall seal the academic record. When an academic record is sealed, the student will not be able to:

  • View grades
  • Register in future courses
  • Receive transcripts or a degree diploma
  • Obtain admission or readmission

The above prohibitions shall be in force until such time as indebtedness to the University, including payment of fee for removal of the seal, has been cleared to the satisfaction of the University.


Academic Handbook, Rights and Responsibilities, Academic Sanctions

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The University recognizes that a student’s ability to meet his/her academic responsibilities may, on occasion, be impaired by physical or mental illness. Illness may be acute (short term), or it may be chronic (long term), or chronic with acute episodes. The University further recognizes that physical or mental illness situations are deeply personal and respects the need for privacy and confidentiality in these matters. However, in order to ensure fairness and consistency for all students, academic accommodation for work representing 10% or more of the student’s overall grade in the course shall be granted only in those cases where there is documentation indicating that the student was seriously affected by illness and could not reasonably be expected to meet his/her academic responsibilities. Students are expected to act in a timely manner when seeking and arranging accommodations.
Documentation shall be submitted as soon as possible to the Dean’s Office of the student’s Faculty of registration (e.g., to the Academic Counselling Office of the student’s home Faculty) indicating the period of illness and when the student should be able to resume academic responsibilities. Students must submit their documentation along with a request for relief specifying the nature of the accommodation being requested no later than two business days after the date specified for resuming responsibilities. In cases where there might be an extended absence or serious issue, students should submit their documentation promptly and consult their Academic Counsellors for advice during their recovery period. Whenever possible, students who require academic accommodation should provide notification and documentation in advance of due dates, examinations, etc. These documents will be retained in the student’s file, and will be held in confidence in accordance with the University’s Official Student Record Information Privacy Policy. Once the petition and supporting documents have been received and assessed, appropriate academic accommodation shall be determined by the Academic Counselling/Dean’s Office in consultation with the student’s instructor(s).

If the Academic Counselling/Dean’s Office determines that accommodation is warranted, the accommodation period will normally be the period specified on the medical documentation unless the student demonstrates an ability to resume responsibilities sooner, for instance, by taking on a significant academic commitment (such as an examination) earlier.

Academic accommodation may include extension of deadlines, waiver of attendance requirements for classes/labs/tutorials, arranging Special Exams or Incompletes, re-weighting course requirements, or granting late withdrawals without academic penalty. Academic accommodation shall be granted only where the documentation indicates that the onset, duration and severity of the illness are such that the student could not reasonably be expected to complete his/her academic responsibilities, and only when the medical professional providing the documentation is able to make a reasonable assessment of the student’s physical or mental state during the period for which accommodation is sought. Minor ailments typically treated by over-the-counter medications will not normally be accommodated. Note that there is no expectation that a student must be in optimum physical condition to carry out his or her academic responsibilities.

Documentation from Family Physicians/Nurse Practitioners and Walk-In Clinics
A Western Student Medical Certificate (SMC) is required where a student is seeking academic accommodation. This documentation should be obtained at the time of the initial consultation with the physician/nurse practitioner or walk-in clinic. A SMC can be downloaded at:

Documentation from Student Health Services
At the time of illness, students should make an appointment with a physician at Student Health Services. During this appointment, request a Student Medical Certificate from the Physician.

Documentation from Hospital Urgent Care Centres or Emergency Departments
Students should request that an SMC be filled out. Students may bring this form with them, or request alternative Emergency Department documentation. Documentation should be secured at the time of the initial visit to the Emergency Department. Where it is not possible for a student to have an SMC completed by the attending physician, the student must request documentation sufficient to demonstrate that his/her ability to meet his/her academic responsibilities was seriously affected.

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Accommodation for work worth less than 10% of overall grade

Accommodation by Instructor for work worth less than 10% of the overall grade in a course
Instructors are encouraged, in the first instance, to arrange participation requirements and multiple small assignments in such a way as to allow students some flexibility. A student seeking academic accommodation for any work worth less than 10% must contact the instructor or follow the appropriate Department or course specific instructions provided on the course outline.

In arranging accommodation, instructors will use good judgment and ensure fair treatment for all students. Instructors must indicate on the course outline how they will be dealing with work worth less than 10% of the total course grade. In particular, instructors must indicate whether medical documentation will be required for absences, late assignments or essays, missed tests, laboratory experiments or tutorials, etc. Where medical documentation is required, such documentation must be submitted by the student directly to the appropriate Faculty Academic Counselling/Dean’s office, who will make the determination whether accommodation is warranted. Given the University’s Official Student Record Information Privacy Policy, instructors may not collect medical documentation.

In all cases where accommodation is being sought for work totaling 10% or more of the final grade in a course, students will be directed to the appropriate Faculty Academic Counselling/Dean’s office.

Students who have been denied accommodation by an instructor may appeal this decision to the appropriate Faculty Dean’s office but will be required to present appropriate documentation.


Academic Handbook, Rights and Responsibilities, Accommodation for Medical Illness

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When scheduling unavoidably conflicts with religious holidays, which (a) require an absence from the University or (b) prohibit or require certain activities (i.e., activities that would make it impossible for the student to satisfy the academic requirements scheduled on the day(s) involved), no student will be penalized for absence because of religious reasons, and alternative means will be sought for satisfying the academic requirements involved. If a suitable arrangement cannot be worked out between the student and instructor involved, they should consult the appropriate Department Chair and, if necessary, the student's Dean.

It is the responsibility of such students to inform themselves concerning the work done in classes from which they are absent and to take appropriate action.

A student who, for either situation (a) or (b) outlined in paragraph one above, is unable to write examinations and term tests on a Sabbath or Holy Day in a particular term shall give notice of this fact in writing to his or her course instructor and Dean as early as possible but not later than two weeks prior to the writing of the examination. In the case of mid-term tests, such notification is to be given in writing to the instructor as early as possible, but not later than one week prior to the writing of the test. If a Special Examination is offered as an alternative means to satisfy the academic requirements, the instructor(s) in the case of mid-term tests and the Dean in the case of mid-year and Spring final examinations will arrange for special examination(s) to be written at another time. In the case of mid-year and Spring final examinations, the accommodation must occur no later than one month after the end of the examination period involved. It is mandatory that students seeking accommodations under this policy give notification before the deadlines, and that the Faculty accommodate these requests.

For purposes of this policy the University has approved a list of dates which are recognized religious holidays which require members of those religions to be absent from the University; this list is updated annually and is available at departmental, Deans' and Faculty advising Offices.


Academic Handbook, Rights and Responsibilities, Accommodation for Religious Holidays

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The policy on political candidacy for students campaigning for election to public office is available from the University Secretariat in the Manual of Administrative Policies and Procedures at

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In order to avoid conflict of interest, instructors are expected to refrain from entering into any relationship with a student which may compromise, or which may reasonably appear to compromise, the instructor's exercise of professional responsibility. It is the responsibility of instructors to notify their Department Chair (or Dean where no department structure exists) of any potential conflict of interest which may arise.

In order to avoid conflict of interest, the University normally will not permit students to enrol in courses that are taught by members of their immediate family. It is the responsibility of instructors, in such instances, to notify their Department Chair (or Dean where no department structure exists) of this or any other potential conflict of interest that may arise.

  • Immediate family is defined as spouse, parent, in-law, brother, sister, son, daughter or stepchild of a member of faculty.
  • An example of a potential conflict of interest is where the student is the client or patient of the instructor.

Exceptions to this policy may be granted only by the Dean of the Faculty in which the course is taught (including the Affiliated University Colleges); and when the course is a mandatory part of the student's program, as specified in the academic calendar; and when no alternative is available.

When exceptions are granted, the Dean will make the necessary arrangements for independent evaluation of student’s work.


Academic Handbook, Rights and Responsibilities, Conflict of Interest


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Definitions and General Principles

1. Purpose
This document sets out the University’s policy on the collection, use and disclosure of the personal information that forms part of the Official Student Record and the personal information collected on prospective applicants and applicants who do not become students. It applies to the Office of the Registrar, the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and all other academic and administrative units that are the primary and secondary custodians of specified data collected and stored about prospective applicants, applicants, students, alumni/ae and former students of the University.

2. Definitions and General Principles
For the purposes of this policy:

(a) prospective applicant means a person who has indicated an interest in applying for admission to the University and/or who has been identified by the University as a person who will be considered for recruitment (e.g. major scholarship winners);

(b) applicant means any person who has formally applied for admission to the University and whose application is still active;

(c) current student means any person who is active in the current term and/or active in any program at the University [A student is considered to be active in the current term if he or she has taken some action, such as completing registration, paying a tuition deposit or a portion of term tuition fees, or completing an add/drop. A student is considered active in a program within a period of 2 years of being active in a term];

(d) alumnus or alumna means any person who has received a degree, diploma or certificate from the University and is not active in a program [For the purposes of this policy a Western graduate who is also a current student is considered a current student.]; and

(e) former student means any person who has attended the University but has not received a degree, diploma or certificate and is not active in a program.
During the University recruitment process, information will be collected and used to identify prospective applicants who will be encouraged to apply for admission to the University.

During the admission process, information will be collected and used to establish a record and assess an applicant’s qualification for admission to the University.

During the registration process and the student’s subsequent academic career, specific information that constitutes the Official Student Record will be collected, maintained and used by the University to:

  • record performance in programs and courses;
  • record decisions of academic appeals/petitions and scholastic and non-academic offence decisions and sanctions;
  • provide the basis for financial aid, awards and government funding; and,
  • assist the University in the academic and financial administration of its affairs which, for example, can range from the day-to-day administration of academic programs to long-range financial or capital planning.

All documentation submitted to the University in support of an application for admission, residence accommodation, or financial award, or as part of any investigation, appeal/petition or request, becomes the property of the University.

Other than disclosure of information specified in Section 4(a) below, the University is committed to taking every reasonable step to protect the confidentiality and privacy of the information contained in the Official Student Record or collected on prospective applicants and applicants who do not become students. Such information must not be disclosed to any individual or institution outside the University, its Affiliated Colleges, or organizations offering joint programs, placements, internships, etc., as part of a course or program at the University, except in the following circumstances:

  • with the student’s consent (written preferred);
  • under compulsion of law;
  • in accordance with the requirements of professional licensing or certification bodies;
  • pursuant to an investigation of possible misrepresentation concerning an individual’s references, attendance, performance, status within, or completion of an academic program at the University or at another academic institution;
  • in compassionate or emergency situations, as determined by the custodian of the information; and
  • in other circumstances set out in the University’s Guidelines on Access to Information and Protection of Privacy [hereafter Guidelines on Access] or as permitted under applicable federal or provincial legislation.

The University will maintain a record of all occasions on which Official Student Record information, other than information specified in Section 4(a), is provided to a third party in the absence of the consent of the student. The contents of this record will be available to the student upon request unless disclosure of the information would compromise an ongoing University or criminal investigation, or is otherwise prohibited by law.

General statistical material drawn from academic records that does not disclose the identities of prospective applicants, applicants, students, alumni/ae or former students may be released for research and information purposes authorized by the University.

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Information Contained in Official Student Records

3. Information Contained in Official Student Records
Official Student Records, in electronic or paper form, contain the following information relating to a student’s application, admission, and performance at the University:

(a) personal information (name, address, e-mail address, telephone, date of birth, citizenship, social insurance number, student number, photograph, etc.);

(b) basis of admission information (application, record of previous studies, letters of recommendation, test results, etc.);

(c) registration and enrollment information (programs of study, dates of attendance, academic load, courses taken, credits transferred, etc.);

(d) performance information (grades, averages and ranks, narrative evaluations, clinical evaluations, distinctions/awards, special permissions, academic counselling information, degrees obtained, requirements to withdraw, scholastic offence decisions1, etc.);

(e) decisions relating to academic appeals/petitions;

(f) decisions against a student, including appeal decisions, under the Code of Student Conduct;

(g) medical information given to a Faculty related to a student’s performance that is provided by or collected with the consent of the student; and

(h) financial information (tuition fees and other charges, payments, awards, debts, etc.).

The following information is not considered to form part of the Official Student Record and is not covered by the provisions of this policy:

  • medical information provided to Student Health Services;
  • information relating to the employment by the University of current students, alumni/ae or former students; and
  • information other than basic demographic data that is maintained by or on behalf of Alumni Affairs and Development and which is deemed to constitute the Official Alumni Record.

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Access to and Disclosure of Information

4. Access to and Disclosure of Information

(a) “Public” Personal Information
It is the practice of the University to consider the following information to be publicly available and to provide it to third parties in response to requests (e.g., confirmation of information for a potential employer) without first seeking the consent of the individual each and every time a request is received:

  • Full name
  • Degree(s) awarded by Western and date(s) conferred, if applicable
    Faculty(ies)/Schools in which student is/was enrolled, with major field of study
  • Academic or other University honors or distinctions

However, at any time an individual may request that this information cease to be made publicly available by contacting the Office of the Registrar or the Faculty of Graduate Studies, as appropriate, in writing.

(b) Prospective Applicants and Applicants
Prospective Applicants and Applicants may, upon written request, be granted limited access to records containing their personal information in accordance with the Access Procedure set out in Section 6 of the Guidelines on Access. Access will not be provided to records that have been submitted to the University in confidence either implicitly or explicitly (e.g., letters of reference), that document deliberative processes, or are otherwise exempt under the Guidelines on Access. Outdated records for prospective applicants, records for unsuccessful applicants, and records for those who do not accept an offer of admission, are not retained indefinitely. They will be destroyed in accordance with approved retention and disposal schedules.

(c) Current Students
Current students normally have access to their Official Student Record, except material submitted to the University in confidence (e.g., letters of reference) or otherwise exempt from access under the Guidelines on Access, by making an informal request to the appropriate University office. However, students may also request access in accordance with the Access Procedure set out in Section 6 of the Guidelines on Access. If a student has outstanding debts to the University, access may be restricted and certain academic documents (e.g., transcripts, graduation diplomas) may be withheld until payment is received.

(d) Next of Kin
Next of kin will not be given access to information in the Official Student Record except as provided for in Section 2 above, the most common circumstance being with the prior consent of the student. This provision applies regardless of the age of the student (i.e., whether or not they are under the age of 18) as it is the student’s ability to consent, rather than their age, that is the determining factor in their right to exercise control over their own personal information.

(e) Faculty and Staff
Within the University, access to the Official Student Record is restricted to faculty and staff who have a legitimate need for the information in order to carry out the responsibilities of their position or office as it relates to the administration of student affairs and services. For example, access to information contained in the Official Student Record of current students, former students or alumni/ae who are also employees of the University will not be provided for employment related purposes without the prior consent of the individual. Similarly, details of medical information supplied to Faculty offices will not be released without the prior consent of the individual.

Access to financial assistance information of the Ontario Student Assistance Program, to other forms of assistance based on financial need, or to individual earnings is restricted to financial aid staff in the Office of the Registrar, and to a limited number of authorized staff in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Housing and Ancillary Services, Deans’ and other administrative offices. Relevant information is routinely provided to government agencies with a legitimate need to know, such as those involved in the administration of scholarship or financial aid programs.

The Department of Advancement Services and the Department of Alumni Relations and Development will be permitted access to personal information relating to the identity and location of prospective applicants, applicants and students in order to maintain contact with the individuals and inform them of events, programs and services.

Ensuring the security and privacy of personal information is a collective responsibility of the Office of the Registrar and Faculty of Graduate Studies, and the Deans, Chairs, Directors and managers of academic and administrative units. All full-time and part-time faculty and staff who receive this information must be formally notified of the contents of the Policy, the requirement to adhere to its provisions, and the implications of non-compliance.

E-mail often provides the most efficient and timely medium for communicating with students, prospective applicants, applicants, former students and alumni/ae. However, personal information should not normally be communicated electronically. Where such communication is necessary, a reasonable effort will be made to correctly identify the requester and/or recipient prior to sending personal information.

(f) Alumni/ae and Former Students
An alumnus, alumna or a former student may request access to his or her Official Student Record in accordance with the Access Procedure set out in Section 6 of the Guidelines on Access.

(g) University Student Organizations
Student organizations recognized by the Board of Governors (i.e., the University Students’ Council, Society of Graduate Students, and MBA Association) shall have access to basic student information referred to in Sections 3(a) and (c), for the legitimate internal use of that organization. The disclosure of such information will be subject to agreements with the organizations that they will not disclose any information to a third party, or use the information for any commercial purpose, without the prior agreement of the University.

The USC, SOGS, and the MBAA shall be entitled to publish and distribute within the University community a University-wide directory of students except where students have restricted the disclosure of information. Students wishing to restrict the disclosure of information may do so by contacting the organization.
Student information will not be released to student clubs or organizations not recognized by the Board of Governors without the consent of the students. However, the University will make reasonable efforts to facilitate communication between these groups and individual students. For example, under certain circumstances an information package prepared by a club could be distributed directly to students by the University on behalf of the club, in lieu of giving the club access to student addresses.

(h) Affiliated Colleges and Other Institutions
The University will disclose information in an Official Student Record to its Affiliated Colleges on a need to know basis and in accordance with the terms of the Affiliation Agreement between the University and its Affiliated Colleges. In addition, the University will disclose information in an Official Student Record to other institutions to the extent required for a particular course or program (e.g. off-campus placements, internships, joint programs).

(i) Agents of the University
The University may contract with external agents for the provision of goods or services. These agents may range in size from nation-wide companies to individuals providing volunteer support. As part of the arrangements between the University and the agent, there may be a requirement to disclose certain student information to the agent. However, any such disclosure will be governed by a confidentiality agreement between the University and the agent that specifies the purpose(s) of the disclosure and the University’s expectations with respect to confidentiality.

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Storage and Retention of Official Student Records

5. Custody, Storage and Retention of Official Student Records
The University maintains Official Student Records in electronic or paper form. Electronic records contain information required to monitor the progress and performance of students, produce periodic performance reports, and provide attestations of achievement and official transcripts of academic records. They also form the basis of management information needed for the operation of the University and for enrollment reports and statistical information required by government agencies. All portions of the electronic student academic record needed to produce official transcripts are maintained indefinitely. As these records are retained on a permanent basis they will be reviewed periodically, especially at times of an upgrade of the electronic records system or migration to a new system. Metadata pertaining to the system itself will be maintained in hard copy form in the University Archives. Other information in electronic and paper form is retained or disposed of according to the Disposition and Retention Schedules prepared in consultation with the University Archives.


Academic Handbook, General Policy, Student Record Information Privacy Policy


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Scholastic Offences

Members of the University Community accept a commitment to maintain and uphold the purposes of the University and, in particular, its standards of scholarship. It follows, therefore, that acts of a nature which prejudice the academic standards of the University are offences subject to discipline. Any form of academic dishonesty that undermines the evaluation process, also undermines the integrity of the University’s degrees. The University will take all appropriate measures to promote academic integrity and deal appropriately with scholastic offences.
Scholastic Offences
Scholastic Offences include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Plagiarism, which may be defined as “The act or an instance of copying or stealing another’s words or ideas and attributing them as one’s own.” Excerpted from Black’s Law Dictionary, West Group, 1999, 7th ed., p. 1170.

This concept applies with equal force to all assignments, including laboratory reports, diagrams, and computer projects.

Students wishing more detailed information should consult their instructor, Department Chair, or Dean’s Office. In addition, they may seek guidance from a variety of current style manuals available in the University’s libraries. Information about these resources can be found at

2. Cheating on an examination or falsifying material subject to academic evaluation.

3. Submitting false or fraudulent assignments or credentials; or falsifying records, transcripts or other academic documents.

4. Submitting a false medical or other such certificate under false pretences.


a) Improperly obtaining, through theft, bribery, collusion or otherwise, an examination paper prior to the date and time for writing such an examination.

b) Unauthorized possession of an examination paper, however obtained, prior to the date and time for writing such an examination, unless the student reports the matter to the instructor, the relevant Department, or the Registrar as soon as possible after receiving the paper in question.

6. Impersonating a candidate at an examination or availing oneself of the results of such an impersonation.

7. Intentionally interfering in any way with any person's scholastic work.

8. Submitting for credit in any course or program of study, without the knowledge and written approval of the instructor to whom it is submitted, any academic work for which credit has been obtained previously or is being sought in another course or program of study in the University or elsewhere.

9. Aiding or abetting any such offence.

In addition to any proceedings within the University, evidence of wrongdoing may result in criminal prosecution.
Procedures For Handling Scholastic Offences
If a student is suspected of cheating, plagiarism or other scholastic offence, the University will investigate and if it is satisfied that the student has committed a scholastic offence it may impose sanctions, up to and including expulsion from the University. The procedures that the University will follow are set out in this section.

Note: Throughout this section, reference to "Dean" is to be interpreted "Dean or his/her designate" (who is usually an Associate Dean) and reference to "Department Chair" is to be interpreted "Department Chair or his/her designate". If the matter has been designated by the Dean or Chair to another person, that person is authorized to make the Faculty or Department’s final decision on the matter.

Undergraduate Students

Part 1: Scholastic Offences: Courses
In most cases, evidence of a possible scholastic offence in a course will have been discovered by, or brought to the attention of, the course instructor. In these situations the instructor will meet with the student if practicable and appropriate. In all other cases the allegation will be reviewed by the appropriate University official.

The instructor (or other University official) will notify the Department Chair (“Chair”) (or, in Faculties without department structure, the Dean of the Faculty) if he/she decides that there is evidence of a scholastic offence. If the Chair or Dean of the Faculty agrees that there is evidence to support the allegation, he/she shall proceed as follows:

Courses in Student’s Faculty of Registration (“Home Faculty”)

1. Faculty with department structure (including the Faculty of Health Sciences):

(a) The Chair will advise the student of the allegation and the information supporting the allegation, normally within one week after the matter has been forwarded to him/her. The student will be given a reasonable opportunity to respond and submit evidence, and a reasonable opportunity to meet with the Chair before a decision is made. If the Chair decides that the student has committed a scholastic offence, he/she will determine the appropriate penalties in consultation with the instructor. The Chair’s decision and the penalties imposed by him/her will be communicated to the student in writing with a copy to the Dean, normally within three weeks after the Chair advised the student of the allegation. The letter will advise the student of his/her right to file a request for relief from this decision to the Dean, the time period by which a request for relief must be filed, and will refer the student to the regulations governing Student Academic Appeals and Scholastic Offences in the Academic Calendar.


(i) If the student files a request for relief (see “Requests for Relief” below), the Dean will review the evidence provided by both the department and the student and may investigate further. The Dean will give the student a reasonable opportunity to meet with him/her before making a decision. If the Dean is satisfied that the Chair’s decision was correct, or in the case of an appeal of a penalty that the penalty was appropriate, he/she will deny the request for relief. If the Dean is satisfied that the Chair’s decision was incorrect, or that the penalty was not appropriate, he/she will grant the request for relief and will overturn or vary the previous decision. Unless the Dean overturns the finding of a scholastic offence, he/she will review the penalties imposed by the Chair and may affirm, increase, or reduce those penalties. If the Dean is considering additional penalties, he/she shall first notify the student and give the student a reasonable opportunity to make written submissions on the issue of penalty. The Dean’s decision will be communicated to the student in writing with a copy to the Chair, normally within three weeks after receiving the request for relief. In cases where the Dean does not overturn the scholastic offence decision, the letter also will inform the student if there will be a notation on the academic record, and of his/her right to appeal the decision to the Senate Review Board Academic within six weeks of the date of the decision. (See APPEALS TO SRBA.)

(ii) If the student does not file a request for relief, the Dean will review the evidence presented and the penalties imposed by the Chair and may investigate further. The Dean may increase or reduce those penalties. If the Dean is considering additional penalties, he/she shall first notify the student and give the student a reasonable opportunity to make written submissions on the issue of penalty. If the Dean decides to vary the penalties, his/her decision will be communicated to the student in writing with a copy to the Chair, normally within three weeks after the deadline for filing a request for relief. The letter also will inform the student if there will be a notation on the academic record and of his/her right to appeal the decision to vary the penalty to the Senate Review Board Academic within six weeks of the date of the decision. (See APPEALS TO SRBA.)

2. Faculty without department structure:
The Dean will advise the student of the allegation and the information supporting the allegation, normally within one week after the matter has been forwarded to him/her. The student will be given a reasonable opportunity to respond and submit evidence, and a reasonable opportunity to meet with the Dean before a decision is made. If the Dean decides that the student has committed a scholastic offence, he/she will determine the appropriate penalties in consultation with the instructor. The Dean’s decision and the penalties imposed by him/her will be communicated to the student in writing, normally within three weeks after the Dean advised the student of the allegation. The letter also will inform the student if there will be a notation on the academic record and of his/her right to appeal the decision to the Senate Review Board Academic within six weeks of the date of the decision. (See APPEALS TO SRBA.)

Courses in a Faculty Other than Faculty of Registration (“Course Faculty”)

3. Faculty with department structure (including the Faculty of Health Sciences):

(a) The Chair will advise the student of the allegation and the information supporting the allegation, normally within one week after the matter has been forwarded to him/her. The student will be given a reasonable opportunity to respond and submit evidence, and a reasonable opportunity to meet with the Chair before a decision is made. If the Chair decides that the student has committed a scholastic offence, he/she will determine the appropriate penalties in consultation with the instructor. The Chair’s decision and the penalties imposed by him/her will be communicated to the student in writing with a copy to the Dean of the Course Faculty (“Course Dean”), normally within three weeks after the Chair advised the student of the allegation. The letter will advise the student of his/her right to file a request for relief from this decision to the Course Dean, the time period by which a request for relief must be filed, and will refer the student to the regulations governing Student Academic Appeals and Scholastic Offences in the Academic Calendar.


(i) If the student files a request for relief (see “Requests for Relief” below), the Course Dean will review the evidence provided by both the department and the student and may investigate further. The Course Dean will give the student a reasonable opportunity to meet with him/her before making a decision. If the Course Dean is satisfied that the Chair’s decision was correct, or in the case of an appeal of a penalty that the penalty was appropriate, he/she will deny the request for relief. If the Course Dean is satisfied that the Chair’s decision was incorrect, or that the penalty was not appropriate, he/she will grant the request for relief and will overturn or vary the previous decision. Unless the Course Dean overturns the finding of a scholastic offence, he/she will review the penalties imposed by the Chair and may affirm, increase or reduce those penalties. If the Course Dean is considering additional penalties, he/she shall first notify the student and give the student a reasonable opportunity to make written submissions on the issue of penalty. The Course Dean’s decision will be communicated to the student in writing with a copy to the Chair, normally within three weeks after receiving the request for relief.

In cases where the Dean does not overturn the scholastic offence decision, the letter also will inform the student if there will be a notation on the academic record, that this decision and the decision of the Chair are being referred to the Dean of the Home Faculty (“Home Dean”) who may impose additional penalties, and of his/her right to appeal the Course Dean’s decision to the Senate Review Board Academic within six weeks of the date of the Home Dean’s decision. (See APPEALS TO SRBA.) The Course Dean then will forward all documentation relating to the offence, including copies of the decisions of the Chair and Course Dean, to the Home Dean.

(ii) If the student does not file a request for relief, the Course Dean will review the evidence presented and the penalties imposed by the Chair and may investigate further. The Course Dean may increase or reduce those penalties. If the Course Dean decides not to vary the penalties, he/she then will forward all documentation relating to the offence, including a copy of the Chair’s decision, to the Home Dean. If the Course Dean is considering additional penalties, he/she shall first notify the student and give the student a reasonable opportunity to make written submissions on the issue of penalty. If the Course Dean decides to vary the penalties, his/her decision will be communicated to the student in writing with a copy to the Chair, normally within three weeks after the deadline for filing a request for relief. The letter also will inform the student if there will be a notation on the academic record, that this decision and the decision of the Chair are being referred to the Home Dean who may impose additional penalties, and of his/her right to appeal the Course Dean’s decision to vary the penalties to the Senate Review Board Academic within six weeks of the date of the Home Dean’s decision. (See APPEALS TO SRBA.) The Course Dean then will forward all  documentation relating to the offence, including copies of the decisions of the Chair and Course Dean, to the Home Dean.

(c) Upon receipt of the decisions of the Chair and Course Dean, the Home Dean will decide if additional penalties are warranted (see “Penalties” below). The Home Dean will review the evidence and may investigate further. If the Home Dean is considering additional penalties, he/she shall first notify the student and give the student a reasonable opportunity to make written submissions on the issue of penalty. The Home Dean’s decision will be communicated to the student in writing with a copy to the Course Dean, normally within three weeks after receipt of the decisions from the Course Faculty. If the Home Dean imposes additional penalties, the letter also will inform the student if there will be a notation on the academic record, and of his/her right to appeal the Home Dean’s decision to the Senate Review Board Academic within six weeks of the date of the decision. (See APPEALS TO SRBA.)

4. Faculty without department structure:

(a) The Course Dean will advise the student of the allegation and the information supporting the allegation, normally within one week after the matter has been forwarded to him/her. The student will be given a reasonable opportunity to respond and submit evidence, and a reasonable opportunity to meet with the Dean before a decision is made.

If the Course Dean decides that the student has committed a scholastic offence, he/she will determine the appropriate penalties in consultation with the instructor. The Course Dean’s decision and the penalties imposed by him/her will be communicated to the student in writing, normally within three weeks after the Dean advised the student of the allegation. The letter will inform the student if there will be a notation on the academic record, that the decision is being referred to the Home Dean who may impose additional penalties, and of his/her right to appeal the Course Dean’s decision to the Senate Review Board Academic within six weeks of the date of the Home Dean’s decision. (See APPEALS TO SRBA.) The Course Dean then will forward all documentation relating to the offence, including a copy of his/her decision, to the Home Dean.

(b) Upon receipt of the Course Dean’s decision, the Home Dean will proceed in accordance with #3 (c).

Requests for Relief
Requests for relief to a Dean must be submitted in writing within the deadline set out below. The written request need not be lengthy but should state clearly the detailed reasons for the request and the relief requested, and include all supporting documentation. A student may request that the Chair’s finding that a scholastic offence occurred, and/or the penalties imposed, be set aside or adjusted.

Deadlines: Normally requests for relief must be made in writing within three weeks of a decision being issued although some Faculties have longer deadlines. The letter from the Chair to the student will set out the applicable deadline.

Certificate And Diploma-Credit Courses
An allegation of misconduct in a certificate-credit or diploma-credit course offered within a department, or in a Faculty without department structure, will be handled in accordance with the same procedures set out above for degree-credit courses. Otherwise, where the course is not offered by a particular department in a Faculty with department structure, the allegation will be dealt with by the Dean of the Faculty (Part I, #2 above).

An allegation of misconduct in a certificate-credit or diploma-credit course offered by the Western Centre for Continuing Studies will be handled in accordance with the procedures set out in Part I, #1 above (“Faculty with department structure”). References to “Chair” shall be interpreted as “Director of the Western Centre for Continuing Studies” and references to the “Dean” shall be interpreted as “Dean of the partnering Faculty”.

Women’s Studies Courses
An allegation of misconduct in a course offered by the Department of Women’s Studies & Feminist Research will be handled in accordance with the procedures set out in Part I, #1 above (“Faculty with department structure”). References to “Dean” shall be interpreted as “Dean of the student’s Faculty of registration”.

Part 2: Scholastic Offences: Other
Where an allegation does not relate to a course, the matter will be referred to the Dean of the student’s Home Faculty. If the Dean decides that there is evidence to support the allegation, the Dean will advise the student of the allegation and the information supporting the allegation, normally within one week after the matter has been forwarded to him/her. The student will be given a reasonable opportunity to respond and submit evidence, and a reasonable opportunity to meet with the Dean before a decision is made. If the Dean decides that the student has committed a scholastic offence, the Dean will determine the appropriate penalties. The Dean’s decision and the penalties imposed will be communicated to the student in writing, normally within three weeks after the Dean advised the student of the allegation. The letter will inform the student if there will be a notation on the academic record and of his/her right to appeal the decision to the Senate Review Board Academic within six weeks of the date of the decision. (See APPEALS TO SRBA.)

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Offence Record

Offence Record
The offence record will be held in the Dean's Office of the student's home faculty and will be kept separate from the student's academic counselling file. It will contain evidence collected in the investigation of the offence, together with copies of any correspondence with the student. If a student is subsequently found not to have committed the offence in question, the record of that charge will be destroyed in accordance with Western’s Records Retention and Disposal Schedules. The Student Affairs records retention and disposal schedule is at the following Web site:

Apart from the student, no one outside the Dean's Office shall have access to an offence record, except in the event of an appeal by the student to SRBA against the decision or the penalty (or penalties) imposed.

Release of Information Concerning Scholastic Offences
The letters informing a student that he or she has been found to have committed a scholastic offence, and the penalty or penalties imposed are confidential documents. Copies will be sent only to involved parties as set out above.

In the event that the penalties imposed are to be reflected in the student's academic record, either on the official transcript or the internal electronic record, a copy will be sent to the Registrar. If a student transfers to another Faculty, or to an Affiliated University College of this University, the offence record will be transferred to the Dean's Office of that Faculty or College. Otherwise, information may be released with the written permission of the student or if required by a court order. Under all other circumstances, the information contained in a student's offence record shall be considered confidential and, unless the offence is to be recorded on the student's transcript, no information about the student's offence record shall be provided to any person or institution outside the University.

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Report to Senate

Report to Senate
Each Faculty shall submit to the Vice-Provost (Academic Programs and Students) [Registrar] an annual summary of scholastic offences committed by students registered in the Faculty. The summary will set out the nature of the offence and the penalties, with students’ names removed. The Vice-Provost (Academic Programs and Students) [Registrar] will compile the information, by Faculty, and report annually to the Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Awards which will forward the report to Senate for information.

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The University will not treat lightly any incident of academic dishonesty and students should expect significant consequences for their actions. A serious incident or repeated offences may result in suspension or expulsion from the University.

A student guilty of a scholastic offence may be subject to the imposition of one or more penalties, of which those listed below are examples:

a) Reprimand.
b) Requirement that the student repeat and resubmit the assignment.
c) A failing grade in the assignment.
d) A failing grade in the course in which the offence was committed.
e) Prohibition of further registration in a course or courses in the department or Faculty in which the offence occurred.
f) Failure of the year (applies in certain professional programs).
g) Suspension from the University for up to, but not more than, three academic years or for a portion of one academic year including the academic session in which the student is currently registered.
h) Expulsion from the University.

• In determining what penalties are warranted in a given case, previous offences within the Faculty, the gravity of the offence, and the need to ensure consistency in standards of discipline across a Faculty will be relevant considerations for a Dean. A Home Dean also will take into account an existing Offence Record.

• A notation of the scholastic offence (e.g., “Scholastic Offence recorded in...”) may be placed on a student's internal, electronic record for the penalties d), e) and f) at the discretion of the Dean of the Faculty imposing the penalty. Upon successful completion of the student’s program, the student may request that the notation be removed. The Dean, after consulting with the relevant Chair in the case of a departmentalized Faculty, will decide whether to grant the request. A notation on the official transcript is recorded for penalties g) and h)*.

• Penalties imposed at the level of the department may range from a reprimand to a failing grade for the course in which the offence was committed.

• Penalties f), g) and h) are program decisions that can be imposed only by the Dean of the Home Faculty.

• Appeals against the imposition of any penalty will be dealt with in accordance with regulations governing appeals. (See STUDENT ACADEMIC APPEALS and SCHOLASTIC OFFENCES.)

• Students who have been suspended by the University as a result of a scholastic offence must apply for readmission subject to the same conditions that operate for students applying for "Readmission Following Unsatisfactory Performance".

* For the Senate regulation on removal of suspension and expulsion notations from academic transcripts, see “Transcript Notations” under “Academic Records and StudentTranscripts,”see:


Academic Handbook, Appeals, Scholastic Discipline for Undergraduate Students



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Transcript Notations

Transcript Notations
That transcript notations for suspension and expulsion differentiate between Scholastic Discipline and Code of Student Conduct offences.

That the notation for suspensions be removed from the transcript when the student graduates or five years after the last registration.

That the notation for expulsions be permanent unless a petition to the President for its removal is approved. The petition to remove an expulsion notation from the transcript may be made no sooner than five years after the offence. Removal of the expulsion notation from the transcript would not overturn the expulsion decision; the expulsion from the University would remain in effect.



Taken from: Academic Handbook, General, Records and Transcripts

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Social conduct is governed by the Code of Student Conduct, approved by the Board of Governors.

Every Student is expected to comply with the provisions of the Code of Student Conduct. Sanctions for non-compliance range from a warning or reprimand to expulsion from University. It is the responsibility of every student to read the Code and familiarize him or herself with its contents. The Code is available at  Copies can also be obtained from the Office of the Registrar, from Deans' Offices, and from Residences.


Academic Handbook, Appeals, Code of Student Conduct


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Graduate Student Appeals of Academic Decisions
Students may appeal an academic decision or ruling in accordance with the appeal procedures set out below. Students have a right to appeal to their graduate programs and, if unsuccessful, to the Vice-Provost (Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies). Some decisions may be appealed further to the Senate Review Board Academic. The Vice-Provost’s rulings in academic matters are final unless overturned or modified on appeal to the Senate Review Board Academic (SRBA).

A decision or ruling remains in effect unless overturned or modified by the individual or body hearing an appeal of that decision or ruling.

Throughout this document, the word “Vice-Provost” means “Vice-Provost (Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies) or designate.”

Note: Appeals of Scholastic Offence decisions are not covered under this policy. For the appeal procedure for scholastic offence decisions see “Scholastic Discipline for Graduate Students”

Subject Matter of an Appeal
Students may appeal:

  • a mark on an examination or on a particular piece of work, or final standing in a course
  • a ruling of an instructor, program, or administrator in an academic matter

Grounds of Appeal
An appeal must be based on one or more of the following grounds:

  • medical or compassionate circumstances
  • extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control
  • bias
  • inaccuracy
  • unfairness

Ignorance of Senate regulations and policies, program requirements, and policies as set out in the University's Academic Calendars does not constitute grounds for an appeal.

Appeal Procedure
It is incumbent on students to initiate each step at the earliest opportunity, and on the University officers concerned to act as expeditiously as possible. Note: Legal counsel is not permitted at any stage of the appeal process prior to the level of the Senate Review Board Academic.

A. Appeals at the Course/Program Level
1. If the appeal relates to a specific course, a student must first attempt to resolve the matter informally with the course instructor. If the instructor is not available or if the matter is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student has a right of appeal to the individual(s) or body designated to hear appeals at the graduate-program level. Students should contact their graduate program to obtain information on the program’s appeal process. An appeal must be filed within four weeks of the issuance of the mark or ruling.

2. For all other appeals, a student must initiate the appeal with the individual(s) or body designated to hear appeals at the graduate-program level. Students should contact their graduate program to obtain information on the program’s appeal process. An appeal must be filed within four weeks of the issuance of the mark or ruling.

3. In no circumstances shall the original decision maker(s) whose decision or ruling is under appeal hear an appeal of that decision or ruling at the program level.

4. Deadlines for filing appeals may be extended at the discretion of the individual or body hearing student appeals.

5. In addition to any other information required by individual graduate programs, appeals submitted by students should include the following information:

  • the matter being appealed
  • the grounds of appeal
  • a clear and detailed explanation of the facts supporting the grounds of appeal
  • all supporting documentation
  • the desired outcome or remedy

6. The designated decision maker shall issue a written decision (“program decision”), normally within 3 weeks of receipt of the appeal.

B. Appeals at the SGPS level
7. A student may appeal the program decision to the Vice-Provost. An appeal application together with all required documentation, including a copy of the previous decision, must be filed with the Office of the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies within three weeks of the issuance of the program decision. Students should contact the Office of the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for more information. The required application form can be found online at: The deadline for filing an appeal may be extended at the discretion of the Vice-Provost.

8. In considering an appeal, the Vice-Provost shall review the materials submitted by the student and the program and may obtain such further information as the Vice-Provost deems relevant to the appeal. The Vice-Provost shall give the student a reasonable opportunity to meet with her or him and may meet with such other individuals as she or he deems necessary.

9. The Vice-Provost shall issue a written decision, with reasons, normally within four weeks of receipt of the appeal.

10. A student may have a further right of appeal to the Senate Review Board Academic (SRBA) if the decision falls within the jurisdiction of SRBA. Appeals to SRBA must be made within six weeks of the date of the Vice-Provost’s decision. The decision of the Vice-Provost or designate remains in full force and effect unless and until overturned or modified by SRBA.

11. Additional information and SRBA appeal applications are available on the Web at:

Academic Handbook, Rights and Responsibilities, Graduate Student Academic Appeals


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Requests for Relief

Undergraduate Student Academic Appeals
The University Senate has delegated to Deans the right to waive any academic regulation. The Deans' rulings in academic matters are final unless overturned or modified on appeal to the Senate Review Board Academic (SRBA). SRBA is the final body to which students may appeal certain rulings of Deans in academic matters, and its decisions are final.

Requests to Instructor, Department Chair, and Faculty Dean
Note: Throughout this document, reference to "Dean" is to be interpreted "Dean or his/her designate" and reference to "Department Chair" is to be interpreted "Department Chair or his/her designate".

Requests for relief for undergraduate students ordinarily proceed in this order:

  1. Course instructor (informal consultation)*
  2. Department Chair (submission of written request)
  3. Faculty Dean (submission of written request)

* A request for relief relating to a specific course (e.g., with respect to a mark, grade, appropriateness of assignments or examinations, or grading practices) must be initiated with the appropriate course instructor. Requests for relief on other matters should be initiated in the office having immediate jurisdiction for the particular requirement or regulation in question. Students in doubt as to the appropriate level at which to initiate such requests should consult their Dean. Scholastic offences will be handled in accordance with the Policy on Scholastic Discipline.


  1. In the BMOS Program, "Department Chair" shall be interpreted as "Program Director" (in the Faculty of Social Science) or "Program Coordinator" (at Huron University College) (effective May 1, 2006).
  2. In the Faculty of Health Sciences, "Department Chair" shall be interpreted as "School Director".
  3. In the case of courses offered by the Writing, Rhetoric and Professional Communication Program, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, including certificate-credit and diploma-credit courses, “Department Chair” shall be interpreted as “Director, Writing Program.”
  4. Normally, a request for relief in a Certificate-credit or Diploma-credit course will proceed as set out above. Except as otherwise noted, in cases where a certificate-credit or diploma-credit course is offered by a Faculty with department structure, but is not offered by a particular department, a request for relief will proceed directly from the instructor to the Dean of the Faculty.
    In a course offered by Continuing Studies at Western, "Department Chair" shall be interpreted as "Director of Continuing Studies at Western" and "Faculty Dean" shall be interpreted as "Dean of the partnering Faculty".
  5. In the Department of Women’s Studies and Feminist Research, "Faculty Dean" shall be interpreted as "Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities" (effective July 1, 2006).
  6. In the School of Social Work, King’s University College, "Department Chair" shall be interpreted as "School Director".

Requests for Relief
A student may request that a grade on a particular piece of work or a final standing in a course or program be changed; OR a student may request an exemption from a Senate academic regulation.

The subject of a request for relief can range from waiver of progression requirements to accuracy of grades on examinations or assignments, to appropriateness of sanctions imposed for scholastic offences. Such a request can include questions of fairness or appropriateness of general grading practices, and can be launched regardless of whether a record of the student's work exists.

Examples of relief that can be considered by a Dean:

  1. waiver of a Senate regulation or requirement.
  2. allowing the opportunity for reexamination or reassessment.
  3. directing the adjustment of a grade on a particular piece of work following the report of an independent assessor.
    [It is possible that a grade may be lowered as a result of reassessment.]
  4. directing the adjustment of grades in the case of a request for relief against general marking or grading practices.
    [This form of relief does not extend to the reevaluation of the work submitted.]
  5. setting aside or adjusting a ruling at a previous level that a scholastic offence occurred or adjusting the severity of a sanction imposed for a scholastic offence.

Not all types of relief are suitable for any given request. For example, in the absence of an adequate permanent record of the student's work, the only form of relief that might be appropriate would be allowing the opportunity for reassessment.

The grounds for a request for relief may be one or more of: medical or compassionate circumstances, extenuating circumstances beyond the appellant's control, bias, inaccuracy or unfairness. All grounds advanced in a request for relief must be supported by a clear and detailed explanation of the reasons for the request together with all supporting documentation.

Ignorance of Senate regulations and policies and particular program requirements and policies as set out in the University Calendar does not constitute grounds for a request for relief.


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Deadlines for Requests for Relief (Appeals)

Deadlines for Requests for Relief

Marks: A request for relief against a mark or grade must be initiated with the instructor as soon as possible after the mark is issued. In the event that the instructor is not available to the student, or fails to act, or if the matter is not resolved satisfactorily with the instructor, a written request for relief must be submitted to the Chair of the department within three weeks from the date that the mark was issued. In the case of a final grade in a course, the written request for relief must be submitted to the Chair of the department by the following dates:

January Marks: January 31st
April/May Marks: June 30th
Intersession: July 31st
May/June Dentistry Marks: July 31st
Summer Evening: August 31st
Summer Day: September 15th
Spring/Summer Distance Studies Courses: October 15th

A request for relief against a decision of the Chair must be made to the Dean in writing not later than three weeks after the Chair's decision is issued. All relevant information and documentation must be provided to the Dean with the request for relief.

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Program Eligibility and Progression

Program eligibility and progression: A request for relief against a decision concerning program eligibility must be made to the Chair of the department in writing by June 30th. A request against a decision of the Chair must be made to the Dean in writing within three weeks of the Chair's decision being issued. Students requesting a Dean’s Waiver of Progression Requirements must do so in writing to the Dean of their Faculty by June 30th (if required to withdraw at the end of April), or within 30 days of the posting of grades on the Western web site by the Office of the Registrar (if required to withdraw following any other session).

Other requests for relief: Requests for relief regarding Scholastic Offences and other matters not related to the normal completion of a course during a regular academic session (including requests for relief against grades in a Special Examination, satisfaction of "Incomplete" requirements, etc.), must be made in writing within three weeks of the date of a decision being issued.


  1. In the Medical Program, a request for relief against a mark must be initiated with the instructor within four weeks of the mark being approved by the appropriate administrative committee. All other requests for relief must be made within four weeks of the date of the decision giving rise to the request for relief. A request for relief to each successive level of appeal must be made within four weeks of the date of the decision at the prior level.
  2. In the Faculty of Law, a request for relief against a final grade in a course must be submitted to the Dean by March 1st for First Term Marks; by April 1st for January Term Marks; and, by June 30th for Spring Term Marks. All other applicable deadlines are as set out above.
  3. In the Richard Ivey School of Business, a request for relief against a mark must be initiated with the instructor within six weeks of the mark being issued. All other requests for relief must be made within six weeks of the date of the decision giving rise to the request for relief. A request for relief to each successive level of appeal must be made within six weeks of the date of the decision at the prior level.
  4. The deadline for an appeal to SRBA remains at six weeks after a decision has been issued by a student's Dean. Under the Policy on Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities, a student must apply to SRBA within two weeks of the Dean’s decision.


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It is incumbent on the student to initiate each step at the earliest opportunity and on the university officer concerned to act upon that request as expeditiously as possible. In the case of a request for relief relating to a specific course, a resolution of the problem should first be attempted through informal consultation with the instructor. If the student is dissatisfied with the decision of the instructor, or if the instructor fails to act, or cannot or will not be physically available within a reasonable time period, a written request for relief may be submitted directly to the department Chair or to the Dean in faculties without departmental structure.

Following a request for relief by an undergraduate student to a department Chair, the student, if not satisfied with the decision of the Chair, may then submit a written request to the Dean of the faculty in which the course or program was taken. In the case of requests for relief relating to: (a) the grade on a piece of work or final standing in a course or a regulation relating to a specific course, the relevant Dean will be the Dean of the faculty offering that course; and (b) enrollment in a specific program, the relevant Dean will be the Dean of the faculty offering that program.

A written request need not be lengthy, but should indicate clearly the detailed reasons for the request and the relief requested. All relevant supporting documentation must be attached.

In the case of a scholastic offence, the procedures for a request for relief are set out in the Policy on Scholastic Discipline.

A student may appeal the decision of a Dean to the Senate Review Board Academic only if the decision falls within the jurisdiction of SRBA as set out below under APPEALS TO SRBA. A Dean's decision which is appealed to SRBA remains in full force and effect unless overturned or modified by SRBA.

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Appeals to SRBA


In addition to jurisdiction conferred upon SRBA by any other Senate regulation or policy, SRBA has jurisdiction to hear appeals from certain academic decisions of Deans, other than those relating to admission and advanced standing, provided that the appellant has followed the procedures set out above for requesting relief at the earlier levels and provided that SRBA otherwise has jurisdiction to consider the appeal as set out below.

  1. For scholastic offence appeals, a student has the right to an oral hearing before SRBA if the appeal is against a finding that the student's conduct amounted to a "scholastic offence" and/or for relief against the penalty imposed by the Dean as a result of a "scholastic offence".
  2. For other appeals, a student may apply for an oral hearing before SRBA in the following circumstances:
            a. the student alleges that there has been a failure to follow, or to properly apply, a Senate regulation; or
            b. the Dean's decision requires the student to withdraw from a program, from the University or from an Affiliated University College; or
            c. the appeal is against general marking or grading practices; or
            d. the appeal is against a Dean’s decision made with respect to the Policy on Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities.
    A panel of SRBA, upon considering only the written application of the student (see Application for Hearing, below), may in its discretion order that an oral hearing be scheduled, or deny the appeal. In making its decision, SRBA will consider the grounds and evidence provided in the Application for Hearing. In the case of 2.a, the student must set out in the Details of the Appeal both the Senate regulation and the alleged error, as well as explain how this error affected the student’s academic performance.
  3. In exceptional circumstances, SRBA may agree to an oral hearing of an appeal against a Dean's decision that does not fall within #1 or #2 above, if a student alleges in the Application for Hearing that there was a failure to observe a procedural requirement at the decanal level or bias at the decanal level. Such allegations must be supported by evidence. A detailed description of the evidence supporting the allegation (including any supporting documentation) must be presented, in writing, as part of the Application for Hearing. SRBA will request a written response from the Dean before making a decision. The student will be provided with a copy of the Dean's response and will be given the opportunity to reply to it in writing. If SRBA is satisfied on the basis of the written documentation that there was a failure to observe a procedural requirement at the decanal level it may instruct the Dean to reconsider the matter. If the SRBA panel agrees to an oral hearing of an appeal alleging a failure to observe a procedural requirement at the decanal level or bias at the decanal level, the standard onus requirements set out below will apply.

    Note: A denial of transfer into a Faculty, School, Affiliated University College or program following a requirement to withdraw from another Faculty, School, Affiliated University College or program at the University may not be appealed to SRBA. The denial of transfer is an admission decision and is therefore outside SRBA's jurisdiction.

If a party wishes to challenge the jurisdiction of SRBA to hear a particular matter, the party must give written notice with reasons to the Chair of SRBA prior to the date of the hearing. The Chair, upon receipt of such notice, or in any other circumstances where it appears to the Chair that there is a question as to whether the SRBA has jurisdiction to hear a matter, may in his/her discretion convene a panel to consider such written arguments as it deems appropriate and decide the issue of jurisdiction. The decision of any such panel shall be binding on any subsequent panel hearing the merits of the appeal.


  1. The onus is on the student to satisfy SRBA that the ruling of the Dean was unreasonable or unsupportable on the evidence before the Dean; or, with respect to a sanction imposed for a "scholastic offence," that the penalty was unreasonable.
  2. Notwithstanding #1 above, in cases where a Dean made a finding that a student's conduct amounted to a "scholastic offence" and where the student denies either that the acts were committed or that the acts amounted to a "scholastic offence," the onus is on the Dean to satisfy SRBA that the student committed the alleged acts and that the acts amounted to a "scholastic offence."
  3. The onus requirements set out in #1 and #2 for an appeal against a finding that a student's conduct amounted to a "scholastic offence" or against the sanction imposed for a scholastic offence, apply mutatis mutandis to an appeal against a finding that there has been a breach of other University policies such as the Policy and Procedures for the Conduct of Research, or an appeal against the sanction imposed for such breach.
  4. Where an appeal falls under the Policy on Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities, the onus is on the Faculty to persuade SRBA that the suggested accommodation or accommodations would compromise the academic integrity of the course or program in light of the essential requirements of that course or program.

SRBA will consider only that evidence that was before the Dean whose decision is being appealed. Evidence that was not before the Dean will not be considered unless SRBA determines that it is relevant, significant and could not have been available at an earlier stage through reasonable efforts. If additional documentary evidence is submitted it must be accompanied by a written explanation as to why the evidence is relevant and significant and why it was not previously available. Similarly, if either party intends to call a witness whose evidence was not before the Dean, the party must file with the University Secretariat prior to the hearing a written explanation as to why such evidence is relevant and significant and why it was not previously available.

Copies of all documentation that the parties intend to present at the hearing, together with a copy of the appellant's official transcript of academic record (obtained by the University Secretariat from the Office of the Registrar), will be distributed to both parties (appellant and Dean) and to the members of SRBA serving on the hearing panel by the University Secretariat prior to the date of the hearing.

In granting an appeal, SRBA will grant such relief as it deems appropriate.

Application for Hearing
Appeals to the SRBA must be made on an Application for Hearing which must be filed with the University Secretariat within six weeks* of the date of the Dean's decision. Exceptions to the six week time limit for filing an appeal with the SRBA are at the discretion of the Chair of SRBA upon written application by the student.

An Application for Hearing will not be accepted by the University Secretariat unless the application is complete. A complete application will include the following: details of the appeal, including a description of the matter under appeal and the reasons for challenging the Dean's decision; the requested relief; a copy of the Dean's decision; a copy of the student's letter to the Dean requesting relief, if applicable; and all relevant supporting documentation. Applications for a hearing by the SRBA and further details on hearing procedures may be obtained from the University Secretariat, Room 4101, Stevenson Hall.

A request from a party to postpone a scheduled hearing, or to delay scheduling a hearing after an Application has been filed, will be at the discretion of the Chair of SRBA and will be granted only in exceptional circumstances. Such postponement or delay shall not exceed six months. The parties will then be contacted to arrange a hearing date. (If the appellant cannot be contacted to arrange a hearing date, he/she will be notified of the hearing date by registered mail at the address set out in the Application.) SRBA will proceed in the absence of one or more parties if it is satisfied that the parties were notified of the hearing date.

If, following receipt of an Application for Hearing, the University Secretariat is unable to contact the appellant within a reasonable time to schedule a hearing, the appellant will be notified by registered mail at the address on the Application for Hearing of the deadline by which he/she must contact the University Secretariat (six months from the date the Application for Hearing was filed) to arrange a hearing. If the appellant has not contacted the University Secretariat by the specified deadline, the Application and documentation will be returned to the appellant and may not be resubmitted.

The Application for Hearing can be printed from:

* Under the Policy on Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities, an appeal to the SRBA must be filed within two weeks of the date of the Dean's decision.

Further Appeals
SRBA is the final level of academic appeal in the University; its decisions in substantive matters, and decisions as to jurisdiction and whether it will hear an appeal, are final. The Chair of Senate (i.e., the President & Vice-Chancellor) will entertain appeals against decisions of SRBA only when a party alleges a serious procedural error by SRBA. An appeal to the Chair of Senate must be filed in writing within two weeks of the date of the Notice of Decision of SRBA. After inviting written arguments from the parties, the Chair of Senate may order that the matter be re-heard by SRBA if the Chair of Senate is satisfied that, as a result of a serious procedural error by SRBA, the parties did not have an opportunity to present their case in accordance with the PROCEDURE AT HEARINGS and it could not be said that the parties had been accorded a fair hearing.

Decisions which are appealed to the Chair of Senate remain in full force and effect until the appeal is disposed of by the Chair of Senate.


Procedure at Hearings
SRBA will review its jurisdiction to hear the appeal in closed session prior to the commencement of the hearing.

    Note: If a party disputes the jurisdiction of SRBA to hear the appeal, the Chair must receive written notice and reasons prior to the date of the hearing. See Jurisdiction above.


  1. Introduction of SRBA members and review of documentation.
  2. Opening Statement by appellant (brief description of the grounds for the appeal and the relief requested).
  3. Presentation of evidence by appellant.
  4. Cross-examination of appellant by Faculty representative, followed by questions from SRBA members.
  5. Re-examination of appellant, if desired, on any new matters brought out in cross-examination. (The procedure in 3, 4 and 5 is followed for the appellant and witnesses. The order of presentation is at the appellant's discretion.)
  6. Opening statement by Faculty representative.
  7. Presentation of evidence by Faculty representative.
  8. Cross-examination of Faculty representative by appellant, followed by questions from SRBA members.
  9. Re-examination of Faculty representative, if desired, on any new matters brought out in cross-examination. (The procedure in 7, 8 and 9 is followed for the Faculty representative and witnesses. The order of presentation is at the Faculty's discretion.)
  10. Reply evidence by appellant, if desired, on any new matters raised by the Faculty.
  11. Cross-examination of reply witness, followed by questions from SRBA members.
  12. Summary remarks by Faculty representative.
  13. Summary remarks by appellant.

B. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS - Scholastic Offence Appeals*
Where the appeal concerns allegations of a scholastic offence which are contested by the appellant, the order of proceedings shall be:

  1. Introduction of SRBA members and review of documentation.
  2. Opening statement by Faculty representative.
  3. Presentation of evidence by Faculty representative.
  4. Cross-examination of Faculty representative by appellant, followed by questions from SRBA members.
  5. Re-examination of Faculty representative, if desired, on any new matters brought out in cross-examination. (The procedure in 3, 4 and 5 is followed for the Faculty representative and witnesses. The order of presentation is at the Faculty's discretion.)
  6. Opening Statement by appellant.
  7. Presentation of evidence by appellant.
  8. Cross-examination of appellant by Faculty representative, followed by questions from SRBA members.
  9. Re-examination of appellant, if desired, on any new matters brought out in cross-examination. (The procedure in 7, 8 and 9 is followed for the appellant and witnesses. The order of presentation is at the appellant's discretion.)
  10. Reply evidence by Faculty, if desired, on any new matters raised by the appellant.
  11. Cross-examination of reply witness, followed by questions from SRBA members.
  12. Summary remarks by appellant.
  13. Summary remarks by Faculty representative.

* Where the student does not contest the allegations of a scholastic offence, but appeals against the sanction(s) imposed, the order of proceedings will be those set out in section "A" above.

Scholastic offences are set out in Senate policy (see Scholastic Discipline in the "Academic Rights and Responsibilities" section of the Calendar). The Faculty is required, in cases of this type, to present its case first, in order to ensure that SRBA has a full understanding of the nature and extent of the allegations against the student prior to the student presenting his or her case.

Where an appeal falls under the Policy on Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities, the onus is on the Faculty to show why the suggested accommodation would compromise the academic integrity of the course; thus, the order of proceedings will be that set out in section “B” above.

Where the appeal concerns allegations of a breach of other University policies, such as the Policy and Procedures for the Conduct of Research, which are contested by the appellant, the order of proceedings will be that set out in section "B" above. Where the student does not contest the allegations of a breach, but appeals against the sanction(s) imposed, the order of proceedings will be that set out in section "A" above.

An adjournment of the hearing may be ordered by the Chair when necessary. Convenience to the parties and to the members of SRBA will be considered by the Chair in ordering an adjournment or setting a date for resumption of the hearing, but the paramount consideration will be the provision of a fair hearing. In successive sessions, the original SRBA members must constitute a quorum.

An effort should be made to limit the presentation of non-contentious facts and arguments to the SRBA. Time will be saved if the parties are able to agree in advance on as many as possible of the facts relevant to the case. The appellant is encouraged to contact the Dean in this regard prior to the hearing to determine what facts can be agreed upon.

In matters of academic appeal, the right to be represented by legal counsel will be accorded only at the level of SRBA. The Senate Review Board Academic also reserves the right to retain counsel.

The parties may call witnesses to support their case. Witnesses will be invited into the hearing room when called upon to give evidence. (See also the section on Evidence above.)

The parties must bear all their own legal expenses, if any. SRBA will not order the Faculty to pay all or part of the appellant's costs, nor will it order the appellant to pay all or part of the Faculty's costs.

Each appeal is decided on its merits. A decision of SRBA does not set a precedent.

At the conclusion of the hearing, SRBA will deliberate in closed session for the purpose of arriving at a decision. The Notice of Decision will be sent to the parties as soon as possible after a decision is made. A brief written statement of reasons will follow within a reasonable time.

The official record of the appeal hearing will consist of all documentation submitted by the parties, the Notice of Decision, and the statement of reasons of SRBA. This record will be retained by the University Secretariat for at least one year following the hearing.



Academic Handbook, Rights and Responsibilities, Undergraduate Student Appeals

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