Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025
Western Main Campus

Psychology 3800F/G


This course covers most statistical procedures used in psychological research, and the use and interpretation of SPSS for Windows. Topics covered include the t test, various forms of analysis of variance, chi-square, bivariate and multiple regression and correlation, factor analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, and Monte Carlo methods.

Antirequisite(s): Psychology 3830F/G, Psychology 3850F/G.

Prerequisite(s): Both Psychology 2850A/B and Psychology 2851A/B and both Psychology 2855F/G and Psychology 2856F/G or Psychology 2820E or both Psychology 2800E and Psychology 2810.

Extra Information: 2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours (Main); 2 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour (Brescia). Note at Brescia campus: Psychology 3800F/G is a mandatory course for students taking an Honours Specialization in Psychology at Brescia. Priority in enrolment will thus be given to Brescia University College Honours Specialization students.

Course Weight: 0.50
Breadth: CATEGORY A i  
Subject Code: PSYCHOL

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