Academic Calendar - 2020 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2020ARCHIVE
Western Main Campus

Earth Sciences 4451Z


An off-campus Geophysical field school providing an introduction to geophysical techniques, including gravity, magnetic, seismic and electromagnetic methods. Classroom lectures, with accompanying outdoor sessions and field exercises. Offered in co-operation with other Universities, with participation from geophysical contractors. The course meets professional registration requirements for Field Techniques (Geophysics).

Antirequisite(s): The former Earth Sciences 4451Y.

Prerequisite(s): Earth Sciences 2220A/B or permission of the Department.

Extra Information: A ten day field course in early September. Note: Students must inform the Department of their intention to register in the course prior to May 1st, and register prior to August 15th. The field course is subsidized by the department. Students will pay $650 in 2014, payable by May 1st. The cost may increase by $25 every year thereafter.

Course Weight: 0.50
Breadth: CATEGORY C i  
Subject Code: EARTHSCI

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