Completion of first-year requirements with no failures. Students must have an average of at least 70% in 3.0 principal courses, with no mark in these principal courses below 60%. Philosophy 1120F/G or any other first-year Philosophy course is recommended.
9.0 courses:
3.0 courses: Philosophy 2206W/X, Philosophy 2208E, Philosophy 2080.
1.0 courses from: Political Science 2237E, Sociology 2240E, Sociology 2270A/B, Sociology 2271A/B, Social Justice and Peace Studies 2301A/B or Social Justice and Peace Studies 2304F/G.
1.0 additional course at the 2200-level or above that contains Social Political Thought content and is approved by the department.
1.5 courses from: Philosophy 3560F/G, Philosophy 3561F/G, Philosophy 3562F/G, Philosophy 3885F/G, Philosophy 3886F/G, Philosophy 4094F/G.
1.5 courses from: Philosophy 3070F/G, Philosophy 4060F/G, 3000 or 4000-level King’s Philosophy courses relevant to Social Political Thought approved by the department: see list on Department website.
1.0 course from: Political Science 3301F/G, Political Science 3319F/G ,Political Science 4438F/G, Political Science 4439F/G, Political Science 3311F/G, Political Science 3312F/G, Political Science 4407F/G, Political Science 4432F/G, Social Justice and Peace Studies 3380F/G, Social Justice and Peace Studies 3382F/G, Social Justice and Peace Studies 3451F/G, the former Political Science 4422F/G.