Completion of first-year requirements with no failures. Students must have an average of at least 70% with no mark less than 60% in 3.0 principal courses, including an average of 70% and no grades less than 60% in the following 2.0 courses: Economics 1021A/B and Economics 1022A/B; 0.5 from Mathematics 1230A/B, Calculus 1000A/B AND 0.5 from Mathematics 1229A/B, Mathematics 1600A/B, Calculus 1301A/B, or Calculus 1501A/B.
Note: If a student is required to take Mathematics 0110A/B IN ADDITION TO the 1.0 required first-year mathematics courses listed above it will count toward the 20.0 required courses for the student’s degree at King’s University College as needed. Mathematics 0110A/B is NOT a substitute for the other 1.0 required first-year mathematics courses.
9.0 courses
3.0 courses normally taken in second year: Economics 2220A/B, Economics 2221A/B, Economics 2222A/B, Economics 2223A/B, Economics 2260A/B, Economics 2300A/B.
3.0 courses normally taken in third year: Economics 2261A/B, Economics 3370A/B, Economics 3372A/B, Economics 3385A/B, MOS 3312A/B, 0.5 course from Course List.
3.0 courses normally taken in fourth year: Economics 4405E, 2.0 courses from Course List.
Course list: Actuarial Science 2052A/B, Analytics and Decision Sciences 3293A/B, Analytics and Decision Sciences 3864A/B, Economics 2210A/B, Economics 3320A/B, Economics 3351F/G, Economics 3378A/B, Economics 3381A/B, Economics 3386A/B, Economics 3398F/G, MOS 2227A/B, MOS 2228A/B, MOS 3310A/B, MOS 4310A/B.