Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025

Kinesiology, School of
Faculty of Health Sciences

Western Main Campus


Arts & Humanities Building Room 3R34
Western University


(519) 661-2111 ext. 83092


Students registered in the School of Kinesiology who complete 5.0 first-year courses with an average of at least 70% with no grade less than 60%, and have a minimum 70% in 3.0 principal courses, including Kinesiology 1080A/B and Kinesiology 1070A/B or the former Kinesiology 1088A/B, Physiology 1021 plus 1.0 additional course, will be guaranteed admission to second year in the School of Kinesiology (Honours Specialization in Kinesiology – BA).

The School of Kinesiology will then rank all remaining Western students who apply to second year and fulfill the minimum admission requirements for that year, and make offers of admission until the program is filled to capacity.

Honours Specialization in Kinesiology – BSc, Honours Specialization in Kinesiology – Clinical Kinesiology, Honours Specialization in Kinesiology – Sport Management are programs with limited space and additional minimum requirements. Please see the information under each specific module in the Academic Calendar for minimum requirements. More competitive academic standing may be required when demand exceeds enrolment capacity.

The laboratory or practicum sessions of several courses are very vigorous. It is recommended that students have a medical check up to ensure that their health status permits engagement in vigorous activity.

Students with health problems must inform the Kinesiology Undergraduate Program Office, and provide appropriate medical support documentation.

For information about Special Student status, please see Registration/Course Selection.

First-Aid and Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation Certification

All students must at their own expense, acquire current certification in standard First Aid and Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (Level C) prior to the completion of second year. The deadline for submission of the aforementioned current certification to the Undergraduate Program Office is April 30. Students who fail to comply by the deadline date will not be reviewed for progression to third year of their program. Contact the Undergraduate Program Office for further information and acceptable levels of certification.

Kinesiology movement courses refer to Kinesiology courses: Kinesiology numbered 2900-2999.

A minimum/maximum of two movement courses must be selected in second year. No more than four 0.5 movement courses are allowed in any Kinesiology degree.

Prior to graduation, a student must complete a minimum of two 0.5 credit movement courses in all Kinesiology degree programs, unless designated otherwise. Normally these courses will be taken in year 2.

For details go to:

Some of these activity courses may require additional expense by the student.

A maximum of 1.0 courses from: Dance 2270A/B, Dance 2274A/B, and Dance courses at the 3000-4000 level can be used to complete non activity Kinesiology module(s) course requirements.

See The School of Health Studies for the Major in Rehabilitation Sciences, and the Minor in Rehabilitation Sciences.

See the Faculty of Health Sciences - Brescia School of Food and Nutritional Sciences for the Minor in Foods and Nutrition, a module designed specifically for students in undergraduate programs in Health Sciences, Kinesiology, Biology and Biomedical Sciences who may pursue the Minor concurrently with their degree program.